289331 | TSCZFUELS | Goods | 15101505 | Fuel coupons Petrol and diesel | TSCZ/IRVY | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 15-May-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 28 | 28-Jun-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Litres | 117840 | Petrol and Diesel for operations and administration procured from Approved government suppliers interms of Government circular on procurement of fuel | No |
289332 | TSCZRMMVEH | Goods | 78181500 | Motor Vehicles Replacement parts | TSCZ/GAVA | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-May-2024 | 13-Jun-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 25-Jul-2024 | 50 | 30-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 10 | Replacement major parts vehicles annual cost as and when required or accident damaged vehicles canopies or major parts | No |
289333 | TSCZVEH ACC | Goods | 25172500 | Motor vehicle tyres | TSCZ/GAVA | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Jul-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 13-Sep-2024 | 08-Oct-2024 | 65 | 31-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Set | 15 | Purchase tyres using Framework Agreements | No |
289334 | TSCZRMMVEH | Non consultancy services | 78181500 | Motor vehicles repairs and general maintenance services | TSCZ/Gava | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Apr-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 08-Jul-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | 70 | 30-Aug-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 54 | General service of motor vehicles Annual cost serviced monthly under a framework agreement | No |
289335 | TSCZRSE01 | Goods | 60101700 | Childrens Highway Code booklets | TSCZ/Mahundi | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 14-Jun-2024 | 11-Jul-2024 | 68 | 30-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 20000 | Road safety education Sylabus books in schools unign Framework Agreements | No |
289336 | TSCZRSE01 | Goods | 60101700 | Teaching Posters TTCs | TSCZ/Tawanda | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 14-Jun-2024 | 11-Jul-2024 | 68 | 30-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 100000 | Various educational Posters printed road safety Quarterly using Framework Agreements | No |
289337 | TSCZRSE02 | Goods | 25161509 | Bicyles Traffic training centres Teaching Aids | TSCZ/Mahundi | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Feb-2024 | 18-Mar-2024 | 17-Apr-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 55 | 31-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Lot | 500 | Bicycles for kids training at Traffic Training Centres for 10 Centres various sizes | No |
289338 | TSCZRSE03 | Non consultancy services | 90141503 | Schools programs road shows | TSCZ/Mahundi | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Apr-2024 | 20-May-2024 | 11-Jun-2024 | 08-Jul-2024 | 55 | 31-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 15 | Road shows per quarter in each province | No |
289339 | TSCZRSE04 | Non consultancy services | 86000000 | Partner Exhibitions in Schools | TSCZ/Mahundi | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-May-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 29-May-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | 15 | 31-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Program | 20 | Schools programs road safety various activities including road shows all ten p provinces quarterly with Ministry of Education Primary and Secondary | No |
289340 | TSCZRSE05 | Non Complex Works | 55121904 | Erection road safety campaigns billboards | TSCZ/Tawanda | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Apr-2024 | 20-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 19-Jul-2024 | 65 | 31-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 20 | Design and erection of Billboards all provinces messages printed annually | No |
289341 | TSCZRSE06 | Non consultancy services | 82101801 | Advertising National Radio | TSCZ/Vimbai/Lucia | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 28-May-2024 | 28 | 19-Apr-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Slot | 10 | Electronic media advertising on national radio stations ZBC and Star FM | No |
289342 | TSCZRSE07 | Non consultancy services | 82101801 | Advertising Print Media | TSCZ/Vimbai/Lucia | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 28-May-2024 | 28 | 19-Apr-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 7 | Print Media newspapers x 7 publication newspapers for four quarters ZIMPAPERS, NEWSDAY, FINGAZ, DAILY NEWS | No |
289343 | TSCZRSE08 | Non consultancy services | 86000000 | Road champions training programs bus hire | TSCZ/Mahundi | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 28-May-2024 | 28 | 21-May-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Trip | 28 | ZUPCO Transport hire and logistics 10 provinces x four quarters | No |
289344 | TSCZRSE09 | Consultancy Services | 86000000 | Stakeholder training Consultancy | TSCZ/Thabani | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Aug-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 22-Oct-2024 | 29-Nov-2024 | 60 | 31-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 2 | Consultancy on road audit exercises half yearly | No |
289345 | TSCZTRDSTOCK | Goods | 60100000 | Trading stock Student drivers handbook | TSCZ/TAWANDA | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 31-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 65 | 22-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 100000 | Printing of student drivers handbooks Framework Agreement | No |
289346 | TSCZTR01 | Goods | 60100000 | Highway Codes | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 15 | 28-Jun-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 100000 | Printing of Highway Codes standing instructions Reprint Direct from Printflow | No |
289347 | TSCZTR02 | Goods | 60100000 | Defensive driving Workbooks | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 14-Jun-2024 | 11-Jul-2024 | 68 | 30-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 100000 | DDC Workbook standing instructions re-print | No |
289348 | TSCZTR02 | Goods | 60100000 | Printing of DDC Plastic Cards | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 14-Jun-2024 | 11-Jul-2024 | 68 | 30-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 80000 | Annual order DDC platic IDs standing instructions re-print CARDPRO | No |
289349 | TSCZTR02 | Goods | 60100000 | Printing of DDC Paper certificates | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 14-Jun-2024 | 11-Jul-2024 | 68 | 30-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | each | 50000 | DDC paper certificates re-order Fidelity Printers and Refiners standing orders | No |
289350 | TSCZTR02 | Non consultancy services | 60100000 | Personalisation of DDC CARDS | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 14-Jun-2024 | 11-Jul-2024 | 68 | 30-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 100000 | Monthly personalisation of ID Cards DDC batches of 2000 each | No |
289351 | TSCZCOMP24 | Non consultancy services | 81112501 | Computerisation for automation | TSCZ/DESIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 30-Oct-2024 | 21-Nov-2024 | 12-Dec-2024 | 50 | 31-Dec-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Automation of internal processes software and hardware purchase | No |
289352 | TSCZCOMPINT | Goods | 81112501 | Computer system intergration ZIMTIS | TSCZ/DESIRE | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Feb-2024 | 12-Feb-2024 | 29-Feb-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 30 | 30-Jun-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Government intergation system TTTFTP hardware purchase TEN TEN | No |
289353 | TSCZOEQUIP | Goods | 81111812 | Computerization equipment | TSCZ/DESIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 31-May-2024 | 20-Jun-2024 | 55 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Lot | 3 | Computerization equipment HARDWARE FOR COMPUTER LABORATORY | No |
289354 | TSCZRSPROJ | Complex works | 49241600 | Rehabilitation and development of Traffic Training Centres and recreational facilities for schools | TSCZ/RAYMOND | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-May-2024 | 22-May-2024 | 31-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 37 | 30-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 3 | Development of Traffic Training Centres s through direct engagement with CMED | No |
289355 | TSCZRSP0124 | Goods | 26111544 | Highway speed cameras | TSCZ/TAWANDA | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-May-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | 19-Jul-2024 | 14-Aug-2024 | 67 | 30-Sep-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 15 | Speed cameras for donations | No |
289356 | TSCZRSP0124 | Goods | 26111544 | Highway Spot breathlizers for drivers | TSCZ/Tawanda | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-May-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | 19-Jul-2024 | 14-Aug-2024 | 67 | 30-Sep-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 10 | Breathlizers for donations ZRP | No |
289357 | TSCZRSP0224 | Goods | 78141505 | Toll vehicles and equipment | TSCZ/TAWANDA | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Jul-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 13-Sep-2024 | 08-Oct-2024 | 65 | 31-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 5 | ZINARA Projects vehicles and software tolling | No |
289358 | TSCZRSP0224 | Goods | 78141505 | Vehicle tracking equipment system and Software | TSCZ/Mahundi | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Jul-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 13-Sep-2024 | 08-Oct-2024 | 65 | 31-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Vehicle tracking monitoring equiment | No |
289359 | TSCZRSP0225 | Goods | 30121700 | Purchase of road rehabilitation materials second street extension MOTID | TSCZ/MOTCID | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 24-Jun-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 60 | 31-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 5 | Road marking material ERRP second street extension | No |
289360 | TSCZLBOFF | Goods | 95000000 | Purchase of Office building | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-May-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 23-Aug-2024 | 80 | 30-Sep-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Purchase of Office building Marondera | No |
289361 | TSCZLBRES | Goods | 95000000 | Purchase of residential property | TSCZ/SAM | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-May-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 23-Aug-2024 | 80 | 30-Sep-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Purchase of residential property through Estate Agent | No |
289362 | TSCZMVEHOPS | Goods | 25100000 | Isuzu Double Cab vehicles | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Aug-2024 | 16-Aug-2024 | 23-Aug-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 38 | 30-Apr-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 7 | Operational vehicles and COS | No |
289363 | TSCZMVEHCOS | Goods | 25100000 | Toyota Fortuner | TSCZ/SAM | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 25-Jun-2024 | 19-Jul-2024 | 60 | 30-Sep-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Condition of service vehicle | No |
289364 | TSCZCGV | Non consultancy services | 80101505 | Legislation review and public consultations | TSCZ/CLAD | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-May-2024 | 13-Jun-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 25-Jul-2024 | 50 | 30-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 6 | Consultancy on legislative review through the parent Ministry of Transport and private sector | No |
289365 | TSCZRAD | Non consultancy services | 93131703 | Research and Development Safety Corner | TSCZ/THABANI | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Mar-2024 | 22-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 19 | 31-Dec-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Packages | 2 | Research and development Direct procurement method ZIMPAPERS through Sunday Mail publications monthly safety corner | No |
289366 | TSCZMKT | Goods | 93131703 | Research and Development Magazine marketing of services | TSCZ/LUCIA | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jul-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 13-Sep-2024 | 20-Sep-2024 | 55 | 29-Nov-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Packages | 3 | Research and development magazine printing | No |
289367 | TSCZCOMPCAT | Goods | 44103103 | Print catridges and toners | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 31-May-2024 | 28-Jun-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | 60 | 31-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Lot | 10 | Computer consumables Framework Agreement | No |
289368 | TSCZCLEAN | Non consultancy services | 47130000 | Cleaning Expenses | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Apr-2024 | 20-May-2024 | 11-Jun-2024 | 08-Jul-2024 | 55 | 31-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Various | 10 | Office cleaning services | No |
289369 | TSCZINTTEL | Non consultancy services | 83121703 | Internet and email server hosting services | TSCZ/DESIRE | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Aug-2024 | 09-Aug-2024 | 13-Aug-2024 | 20-Aug-2024 | 20 | 27-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Various | 5 | internet, mail security services Telone direct engagement | No |
289370 | TSCZFCS | Non consultancy services | 78141501 | Freight and Courier Services | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-May-2024 | 13-Jun-2024 | 20-Jun-2024 | 27-Jun-2024 | 55 | 31-Dec-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Packages | 1 | Freight charges | No |
289371 | TSCZCOMP | Goods | 43211507 | External server | TSCZ/Simbarase | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 56 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Desktop server external hosting | No |
289372 | TSCZCOMP | Goods | 43211507 | Laptops | TSCZ/DESIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 56 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 15 | Brand new laptops for Traffic Safety Officers | No |
289373 | TSCZCOMP | Goods | 43211507 | Desktops | TSCZ/DESIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 56 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 10 | Server desktops per region | No |
289374 | TSCZCOMP | Goods | 43211507 | Cellphone handsets | TSCZ/Matanhire | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 56 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 10 | Replacement of cellphones Management | No |
289375 | TSCZCOMP | Goods | 43211507 | Printers | TSCZ/DESIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 56 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 5 | Heavy duty printers | No |
289376 | TSCZSTAT | Goods | 14111509 | Stationery | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 56 | 17-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Lots | 10 | Stationery Framework Agreements | No |
289377 | TSCZOFURN | Goods | 56101504 | Office furniture Chairs replacement | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Request for quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Jul-2024 | 22-Jul-2024 | 25-Jul-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | 8 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 15 | Replacement of broken chairs and new staffing | No |
289378 | TSCZCOMP | Goods | 43191501 | Mobile phones board members | TSCZ/CLAD | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 56 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 11 | Ipad and Iphones ncluding accessories for Board Members | No |
289379 | TSCZLEG | Non consultancy services | 80120000 | Legal services | TSCZ/CLAD | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 19-Jul-2024 | 60 | 31-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 5 | Legal services through Framework Agreements | No |
289380 | TSCZCONS | Non consultancy services | 80100000 | Management Consultants Services | TSCZ/CLAD | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Jul-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 17-Sep-2024 | 50 | 30-Nov-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 10 | General consultancy services as and when required per quarter | No |
289381 | TSCZINS | Non consultancy services | 84130000 | Professional indemnity cover educators | TSCZ/CLAD | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 31-May-2024 | 28-Jun-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 19-Jul-2024 | 55 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 8 | Insurance cover road safety educators twice per quarter | No |
289382 | TSCZ TENDERS | Non consultancy services | 82101801 | Tender Advertising | TSCZ/Christine | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Apr-2024 | 06-May-2024 | 09-May-2024 | 10-May-2024 | 8 | 31-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 10 | Tender adverts Government Gazette and Sunday Mail | No |
289383 | TSCZREC | Non consultancy services | 93141802 | Recruitment expenses | TSCZ/CLAD | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-May-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 16 | 31-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Session | 5 | Recruitment expenses as and when the need arise | No |
289384 | TSCZROE | Non consultancy services | 73152108 | Repairs office printers and laptops | TSCZ/MATANHIRE | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | 65 | 31-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 30 | Repairs and Maintenance printers, laptops, servers using Framework Agreements | No |
289385 | TSCZRMPROP | Non Complex Works | 72110000 | Maintainance residential properties | TSCZ/Gandanga | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 21-Mar-2024 | 25-Apr-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 70 | 31-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 11 | Repairs and maint residential properties Framework Agreement | No |
289386 | TSCZRMPROP | Non Complex Works | 72100000 | Maintanance Office building | TSCZ/Gandanga | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 21-Mar-2024 | 25-Apr-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 70 | 31-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 9 | repairs and maint offices Framework Agreements | No |
289387 | TSCZSEC | Non consultancy services | 71123005 | Security provisions of offices and buildings | TSCZ/Gandanga | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 31-Oct-2024 | 15-Nov-2024 | 29-Nov-2024 | 55 | 31-Dec-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Lot | 20 | Security offices and residential | No |
289388 | TSCZCORP | Goods | 53102710 | Corporate Uniforms and PPEs | TSCZ/Ndoro | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | 01-Jul-2024 | 55 | 15-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Lot | 2 | Staff Corporate wear and PPEs | No |
289389 | TSCZBKS | Goods | 44122005 | Magazines and periodicals | TSCZ/Lucy | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Mar-2024 | 29-Apr-2024 | 31-May-2024 | 25-Jun-2024 | 60 | 30-Apr-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 7 | Magazines, reports and periodicals Framework Agreements | No |
289390 | TSCZSTAFFPROV | Goods | 50201712 | Food provisons teas and refreshments | TSCZ/daphne | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 22-Mar-2024 | 23-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 60 | 15-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Lot | 12 | Teas, water and Refrehsments through framework agreements | No |
289391 | TSCZTRANS | Non consultancy services | 78141501 | Taxes and transport expenses | TSCZ/IRVY | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 22-Mar-2024 | 23-Apr-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 60 | 15-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 12 | Airfares, taxes expenses | No |
444012 | TSCZCOMP | GOODS | 43211507 | COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AND CELLPHONES | DESIRE AND TATENDA | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Jun-2024 | 04-Jul-2024 | 31-Jul-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 55 | 30-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 52 | APPLICATION FOR APP SUPPLIMENT APPROVAL | Yes |
500111 | TSCZRSP0226 | GOODS | 30121700 | PURCHASE ROAD MARKINGS AND SIGNAGE MATERIALS AIRPORT AND SEKE ROAD | MOTICD | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 6 | 19-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | URGENT REQUEST ROAD MARKINGS AND SIGNAGE PREP SADC SUMMIT | Yes |
510997 | TSCZTR03 | GOODS | 86132100 | PRINTING OF ROAD SAFETY TRAINING MATERIALS | PMU and Marketing | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jul-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 24-Oct-2024 | 63 | 16-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 26 | Readvertising Framework Agreement to onboard more suppliers reference SPOC review meeting 09 of 2024.. The first tender was awarded less supplier . | Yes |
511010 | TSCZCG01 | Goods | 82101801 | Corporate Gifts | PMUCLAD | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jul-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 25-Oct-2024 | 64 | 31-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 50 | SPOC MEETING NO 12 OF 2024 Directive to onboard more suppliers on the Framework Agreement list awarded. | Yes |
527961 | TSCZGW/REN/2024 | NON COMPLEX WORKS | 42212001 | CONSTRUCTION OF DISBALED RUMP ENTRANCE AND AUTOMATIC ALUMINIUM DOOR GWERU OFFICES | PMURaymond | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Aug-2024 | 05-Sep-2024 | 09-Sep-2024 | 11-Sep-2024 | 17 | 23-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | RENOVATED OFFICES OMMITTED DISABLED MOVEMENT ENTRANCE INTO OFFICES | Yes |
538500 | TSCZ/FURN 2024 | GOODS | 56101504 | LECTURE ROOM FURNITURE | RAYMOND | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 11-Oct-2024 | 18-Oct-2024 | 24-Oct-2024 | 18 | 22-Nov-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Set | 150 | REQUIREMENTS NOT ON ORIGINAL APP. ENTITY REQUESTED FOR EXEMPTION . PREVIOUS CONTRACT CANCELLED NON DELIVERY | Yes |
571327 | TSCZ/MVEH/COS/2024 | GOODS | 25100000 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TOYOTA FORTUNER MOTOR VEHICLES | DIRECTORS | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-Dec-2024 | 02-Jan-2025 | 08-Jan-2025 | 28-Jan-2025 | 20 | 21-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 2 | PE requested for exemption to shorten the bidding period to 5 days from 20 days and was approved | Yes |