534948 | ZUPCO001 | Goods | 15100000 | Fuel{Bulk) | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Litres | 39770760 | Exemption by Government. | No |
534949 | ZUPCO002 | Goods | 31210000 | Bodyshop materials materials(paints,resin,bodyfiller | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Framework Agreement Method/PRAZ Exemption 12/04/2024 (Domestic) | No |
534950 | ZUPCO003 | Goods | 31210000 | Filters | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 25-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Running framework Agreement/ Additional suppliers (domestic) | No |
534951 | ZUPCO004 | Goods | 15120000 | Lubricants | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 24-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | running framework agreements/Additional suppliers (Domestic) | No |
534952 | ZUPCO005 | Non Consultancy service | 82100000 | Insurance | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 06-Jan-2025 | 24-Jan-2025 | 60 | 24-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | AU | 1 | running contract upto Feb 2025 (Domestic) | No |
534953 | ZUPCO006 | Non Consultancy service | 82100000 | LICENSING & PERMITS | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 30-Sep-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | AU | 1 | ZINARA, ZBC AND Min. Of Transport are the only suppliers | No |
534954 | ZUPCO007 | NON CONSULTANCY SERVICES | 72154501 | OUTSIDE REPAIR BUS COMPONENTS | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | PRAZ Exemption 12/04/2024 | No |
534955 | ZUPCO009 | Goods | 45100000 | STATIONERY | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | PRAZ Exemption 12/04/2024 | No |
534956 | ZUPCO010 | Non consultancy services | 72154501 | REPAIRS & MAINT- WORKSHOP EQUIPMENT | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 24-Jan-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Capitalisation of workshop. Framework agreement/ Domestic | No |
534957 | ZUPCO011 | Goods | 95121514 | TICKETS & WAYBILLS | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Oct-2024 | 09-Oct-2024 | 10-Oct-2024 | 11-Oct-2024 | 5 | 18-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | PRAZ Exemption 12/04/2024 | No |
534958 | ZUPCO012 | Goods | 25172500 | TYRES & TUBES | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 24-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 9500 | running framework agreements/additional Suppliers/Domestic | No |
534959 | ZUPCO013 | Goods | 53102700 | UNIFORMS | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Oct-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 03-Jan-2024 | 22-Jan-2025 | 60 | 29-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | materials for uniforms (Domestic) | No |
534960 | ZUPCO014 | Goods | 25172300 | WINDSCREENS | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 500 | PRAZ Exemption 12/04/2024 | No |
534962 | ZUPCO016 | Non Consultancy service | 82100000 | Advertising (Publication tender, Job adverts, National events, etc) | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Oct-2024 | 16-Oct-2024 | 17-Oct-2024 | 17-Oct-2024 | 5 | 21-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required | No |
534963 | ZUPCO017 | Goods | 43211600 | Computer consumables | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Oct-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 06-Jan-2025 | 30-Jan-2025 | 60 | 03-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required. Domestic. Framework agreement | No |
534964 | ZUPCO049 | Goods | 43211500 | Desktops | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 19-Nov-2024 | 17-Jan-2024 | 07-Feb-2024 | 60 | 12-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 19 | Automation of systems .Domestic | No |
534965 | ZUPCO018 | Non Complex works | 95101807 | Depot Maintenance | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 24-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Construction works (Domestic) | No |
534966 | ZUPCO019 | Non Consultancy service | 90141503 | Exhibition | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required | No |
534967 | ZUPCO020 | Non Consultancy service | 84130000 | Motor vehicle-Insurance | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Dec-2024 | 31-Dec-2024 | 18-Feb-2025 | 05-Mar-2025 | 60 | 14-Mar-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | AU | 1 | Running contrct Domestic) | No |
534968 | ZUPCO021 | Non consultancy Services | 25175101 | Motor vehicle maintenance-Staff cars | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 11-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required | No |
534969 | ZUPCO022 | Goods | 44102501 | Note Counters | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required | No |
534970 | ZUPCO023 | Goods | 80141600 | Promotional Material | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 24-Jan-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required. Domestic. Framework agreement | No |
534971 | ZUPCO024 | Non consultancy services | 44000000 | Repairs and maintanance-Office Equipment | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 24-Oct-2024 | 24-Oct-2024 | 25-Oct-2024 | 5 | 29-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required | No |
534972 | ZUPCO025 | Non Complex works | 81101513 | Repairs and maintanance-office and buildings | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Oct-2024 | 15-Nov-2024 | 12-Jan-2024 | 03-Feb-2025 | 60 | 24-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Construction works (Domestic) | No |
534973 | ZUPCO026 | Non Complex works | 56000000 | Repairs and maintanance-furniture fittings | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Nov-2024 | 20-Nov-2024 | 21-Nov-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 5 | 27-Nov-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required | No |
534974 | ZUPCO027 | Goods | 53102700 | Risk Department Consumables (Security tools Eg Button stick, hand cuffs) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Nov-2024 | 29-Nov-2024 | 27-Jan-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 60 | 21-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required (Domestic) | No |
534975 | ZUPCO028 | non consultancy service | 25190000 | Service Vehicle-Maintenance Small vehicles | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | AU | 1 | As and when required (Vehicles under warrant) | No |
534976 | ZUPCO029 | Goods | 50201700 | Teas and cleaning | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Nov-2024 | 29-Nov-2024 | 24-Jan-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 60 | 21-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required (Domestic Framework agreement) | No |
534977 | ZUPCO030 | Goods | 43191501 | Airtime Voucher | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Monthly management airtime | No |
534978 | ZUPCO031 | Non Consultants services | 86100000 | Training seminars and courses expenses | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Oct-2024 | 09-Oct-2024 | 10-Oct-2024 | 11-Oct-2024 | 5 | 14-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required | No |
534979 | ZUPCO032 | Non Consultancy service | 90110000 | Board member Accomodation | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required | No |
534980 | ZUPCO033 | Goods | 25175100 | Spares-Bus Components | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | PRAZ Exemption 12/04/2024 | No |
534981 | ZUPCO034 | Goods | 78110000 | Bus Trailers | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Oct-2024 | 30-Oct-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 28-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 4 | bus trailer (Domestic) | No |
534982 | ZUPCO035 | Goods | 26101500 | Engines | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 14-Feb-2025 | 06-Mar-2025 | 60 | 21-Mar-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 20 | International Tender | No |
534983 | ZUPCO036 | Non consultancy services | 25180000 | Bus bodyworks | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 14-Feb-2025 | 05-Mar-2025 | 60 | 21-Mar-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 20 | bus refurbishment (Domestic) | No |
534984 | ZUPCO037 | Goods | 25101700 | Tow Truck | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Nov-2024 | 29-Nov-2024 | 24-Mar-2025 | 11-Apr-2025 | 98 | 16-May-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 2 | towing trucks {Internationl) | No |
534985 | ZUPCO038 | Goods | 25100000 | Motor vehicle(CEO) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 1 | Contractual obligation (Domestic) | No |
534986 | ZUPCO038 | Goods | 25100000 | Motor vehicle(FD,OD,Company Secretary) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 3 | Contractual obligation (Domestic) | No |
534987 | ZUPCO038 | Goods | 25100000 | Motor Vehicle(DOM/FM) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 3 | Contractual obligation (Domestic) | No |
534988 | ZUPCO038 | Goods | 25100000 | Motor Vehicle( | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 10 | Service vehicles (Domestic) | No |
534989 | ZUPCO042 | Goods | 25172400 | Fuel Pumps | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Oct-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 06-Feb-2025 | 60 | 20-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 6 | Bus refueling(Domestic) | No |
534990 | ZUPCO043 | Goods | 25175100 | Batteries | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | PRAZ exemption 12 April 2024 | No |
534991 | ZUPCO044 | Goods | 43191501 | Cellphone(CEO) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Oct-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 06-Jan-2025 | 24-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 1 | Contractual obligation (Domestic) | No |
534992 | ZUPCO044 | Goods | 43191501 | Cellphone(FD/OD/CS) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Oct-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 06-Jan-2025 | 24-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 3 | Contractual obligation (Domestic) | No |
534993 | ZUPCO044 | Goods | 43191501 | Cellphone{Dom} | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Oct-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 06-Jan-2025 | 24-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 1 | Contractual obligation (Domestic) | No |
534994 | ZUPCO044 | Goods | 46170000 | Cellphones(Heads of Deptments/Deport Managers | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Oct-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 06-Jan-2025 | 24-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 20 | service (Domestic) | No |
534995 | ZUPCO048 | Non Complex works | 30190000 | Toilets Construction(Kelvin) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 01-Nov-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 21-Jan-2025 | 60 | 31-Jan-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 1 | Depot maintanance (Domestic) | No |
534996 | ZUPCO049 | Goods | 43211500 | Desktops | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 19-Nov-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 60 | 12-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 30 | System Automation (Domestic) | No |
534997 | ZUPCO049 | Goods | 43211500 | Laptops(Depots) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 19-Nov-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 60 | 12-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 9 | System Automation (Domestic) | No |
534998 | ZUPCO051 | Non consultancy services | 46171622 | CCTV Installations(Depots) | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 22-Nov-2024 | 20-Dec-2024 | 14-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 60 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Security (Domestic) | No |
534999 | ZUPCOO49 | Goods | 43211500 | Printer | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 19-Nov-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 60 | 12-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 22 | System Automation (Domestic) | No |
535000 | ZUPCO053 | Goods | 44111600 | Note counters | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 04-Feb-2025 | 21-Feb-2025 | 60 | 28-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 50 | Office equipment ( Domestic) | No |
535001 | ZUPCOO53 | Goods | 44111600 | Money detectors | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 04-Feb-2025 | 21-Feb-2025 | 60 | 28-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 80 | Office equipment (Domestic) | No |
535002 | ZUPCOO55 | Goods | 26130000 | Generator | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 07-Feb-2025 | 27-Feb-2025 | 60 | 07-Mar-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 4 | Energy back-up (Domestic) | No |
535003 | ZUPCOO55 | Goods | 26130000 | Generator(Engineering | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Nov-2024 | 13-Dec-2024 | 07-Feb-2025 | 27-Feb-2025 | 60 | 07-Mar-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 4 | Energy back-up (Domestic) | No |
535004 | ZUPCOO57 | Consultants services | 84111502 | Accounting (Sage) | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 5 | 07-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | As and when required {Domestic) | No |
535005 | ZUPCOO58 | Goods | 44000000 | Chairs | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Oct-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 14-Jan-2025 | 03-Feb-2025 | 60 | 07-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 92 | As and when required (Domestic} | No |
535006 | ZUPCOO58 | Goods | 44000000 | Cabinets | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Oct-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 14-Jan-2025 | 07-Feb-2024 | 60 | 14-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 29 | for filing (Domestic) | No |
535007 | ZUPCOO60 | Goods | 43211500 | Sticker printer | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 19-Nov-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 60 | 12-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 1 | Tagging Asset (Domestic) | No |
535008 | ZUPCOO61 | Goods | 46101500 | Pistols | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 24-Oct-2024 | 24-Oct-2024 | 25-Oct-2024 | 5 | 28-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 15 | Security | No |
535009 | ZUPCOO61 | Goods | 46101500 | Ammunition | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 24-Oct-2024 | 24-Oct-2024 | 25-Oct-2024 | 5 | 28-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Security | No |
535010 | ZUPCOO63 | Goods | 42000000 | Breathliser | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 05-Oct-2024 | 5 | 08-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 15 | SHEQ (Domestic) | No |
535011 | ZUPCOO64 | Goods | 23121614 | Sewing machine | PMU | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 03-Oct-2024 | 04-Oct-2024 | 05-Oct-2024 | 5 | 08-Oct-2024 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 2 | PPEs | No |
535012 | ZUPCOO65 | Goods | 72154501 | Workshop Equipment | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Oct-2024 | 28-Nov-2024 | 31-Jan-2025 | 21-Feb-2025 | 98 | 07-Mar-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Various | 1 | Workshop requirements (international) | No |
535013 | ZUPCOO66 | Goods | 40150000 | Offloading Pump | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Oct-2024 | 18-Oct-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 17-Jan-2025 | 60 | 24-Jan-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 2 | Fuel offloading (domestic) | No |
535014 | ZUPCO067 | Goods | 25100000 | Buses | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Nov-2024 | 26-Jan-2025 | 26-Apr-2025 | 07-May-2025 | 98 | 31-Jul-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 550 | Capiltalization (International) | No |
542111 | ZUPCO067 | goods | 25100000 | Buses | Mandava | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Oct-2024 | 23-Oct-2024 | 19-Dec-2024 | 27-Dec-2024 | 83 | 09-May-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 550 | Additional budget | Yes |
542728 | ZUPCO067 | goods | 25100000 | Buses | Mandava | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Oct-2024 | 23-Oct-2024 | 19-Dec-2024 | 27-Dec-2024 | 83 | 09-May-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 550 | Approval for supplement budget for buses | Yes |
543222 | ZUPCO038 | Goods | 25100000 | Motor vehicles | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Oct-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 20-Jan-2025 | 24-Jan-2025 | 60 | 11-Apr-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 2 | For your approval | Yes |
543221 | ZUPCO005 | Non Consultancy service | 82100000 | Insurance | PMU | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Oct-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 20-Jan-2025 | 24-Jan-2025 | 60 | 01-Feb-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | AU | 1 | For your approval | Yes |
541820 | ZUPCO067 | Goods | 25100000 | Buses | PMU | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Oct-2024 | 23-Oct-2024 | 19-Dec-2024 | 27-Dec-2024 | 83 | 09-May-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | ea | 550 | FOR APPROVALCHANGE OF PROCUREMENT METHOD AND DATES | Yes |