653699 | AAAA0001 | Goods | 14110000 | Stationery | Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-Feb-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | 14-Apr-2025 | 14-Apr-2025 | 90 | 22-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 29000 | Domestic Competitive Framework Agreement | No |
653700 | AAAA0002 | Goods | 31211904 | Tools and Hardware | Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 27-Mar-2025 | 27-Mar-2025 | 90 | 04-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 9850 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653701 | AAA0003 | Goods | 46181503 | Personal Protective Equipment | Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-May-2025 | 30-May-2025 | 19-Jun-2025 | 19-Jun-2025 | 90 | 27-Jun-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 16019 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653702 | AAA0004 | Goods | 95141708 | Kitchenware Teas and Refreshments | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 27-Mar-2025 | 27-Mar-2025 | 60 | 04-Apr-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1901 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653703 | AAA0005 | Goods | 44000000 | Computers | Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Mar-2025 | 28-Mar-2025 | 22-Apr-2025 | 22-Apr-2025 | 60 | 30-Apr-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 30 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653704 | AAA0006 | Goods | 56110000 | Boardroom Furniture | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-May-2025 | 06-Jun-2025 | 26-Jun-2025 | 26-Jun-2025 | 60 | 04-Jul-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 39 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653705 | AAA0007 | Goods | 73170000 | Electricals | Works Department Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 20-Mar-2025 | 20-Mar-2025 | 90 | 27-Mar-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 107 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653706 | AAA0008 | Goods | 12181600 | Fuels and lubricants | Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | 90 | 21-Mar-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Litres | 79200 | Domestic Competitive Framework Agreement | No |
653707 | AAA0009 | Non Consultancy Service | 78181505 | Vehicle repairs and maintenance | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | 90 | 21-Mar-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 110 | Domestic Competitive Framework Agreement Method | No |
653708 | AAA0010 | Non Consultancy Service | 22101501 | Hiring of Earthmoving Equipment | Works and Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Mar-2025 | 11-Apr-2025 | 06-May-2025 | 06-May-2025 | 90 | 13-May-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 33 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653709 | AAA0011 | Non Consultancy Service | 82101504 | Advertising | Administration Department | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 06-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 3 | 07-Feb-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 100 | Domestic Direct Procurement Method | No |
653710 | AAA0012 | Goods | 25101800 | Motorbikes | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Mar-2025 | 09-Apr-2025 | 02-May-2025 | 02-May-2025 | 60 | 09-May-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 7 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653711 | AAA0013 | Goods | 31401800 | Water treatment chemicals | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Jan-2025 | 03-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 90 | 24-Feb-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Kg | 258900 | Domestic Competitive Framework Agreement | No |
653712 | AAA0014 | Goods | 70171602 | Water and food quality testing | Health Department | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 05-Mar-2025 | 05-Mar-2025 | 05-Mar-2025 | 3 | 05-Mar-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Kg | 39 | Domestic Request For Quotation Method | No |
653713 | AAA0015 | Goods | 50200000 | Water supply network and rehabilitation materials | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Jun-2025 | 11-Jul-2025 | 31-Jul-2025 | 31-Jul-2025 | 90 | 22-Aug-2025 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 516 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653714 | AAA0016 | Goods | 50200000 | Sewer reticulation materials | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Aug-2025 | 12-Sep-2025 | 02-Oct-2025 | 02-Oct-2025 | 90 | 24-Oct-2025 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653715 | AAA0017 | Non Consultancy Service | 43222600 | Promun and LADS installation, networking and maintenance and Internet Connectivity | ICT Section | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-May-2025 | 09-May-2025 | 09-May-2025 | 09-May-2025 | 5 | 09-May-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 66 | Domestic Direct Procurement Method | No |
653716 | AAA0018 | Goods | 25102100 | Service delivery vehicles | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 12 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653717 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | 7 Tone UD Truck | Works | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653718 | AAA0018 | Goods | 25102100 | Management Vehicles | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 25-Sep-2025 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 7 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653719 | AAA0050 | Goods | 22101700 | Chipadze Stadium Rehabilitation Materials | Housing Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 22 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653720 | AAA0022 | Goods | 22101534 | Road Construction and Rehabilitation Materials | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-May-2025 | 26-Jun-2025 | 17-Jul-2025 | 17-Jul-2025 | 90 | 06-Aug-2025 | Y | ERRP Funding | Number | 35 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653721 | AAA0023 | Goods | 23153200 | Public Lighting Materials for Maintenance | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 27-Feb-2025 | 19-Mar-2025 | 19-Mar-2025 | 90 | 09-Apr-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Number | 21 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653722 | AAA0024 | Goods | 23151800 | Office and Clinic Linen | Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Oct-2025 | 30-Oct-2025 | 19-Nov-2025 | 19-Nov-2025 | 60 | 26-Nov-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 3 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653723 | AAA0025 | Goods | 53101602 | Awareness Campaign Materials | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Jun-2025 | 14-Jul-2025 | 01-Aug-2025 | 01-Aug-2025 | 60 | 08-Aug-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 15 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653724 | AAA0026 | Goods | 31242000 | Pesticides, Cleaning Materials | Central Stores and Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 29-Apr-2025 | 29-Apr-2025 | 60 | 07-May-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Kg | 224 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653725 | AAA0029 | Goods | 43210000 | Computer Consumables | Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 28-Mar-2025 | 17-Apr-2025 | 17-Apr-2025 | 90 | 28-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 777 | Domestic Competitive Framework Agreement | No |
653726 | AAA006 | Goods | 56110000 | Office Chairs | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-May-2025 | 06-Jun-2025 | 26-Jun-2025 | 26-Jun-2025 | 60 | 04-Jul-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 50 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653727 | AAA006 | Goods | 56110000 | Office Desks | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-May-2025 | 06-Jun-2025 | 26-Jun-2025 | 26-Jun-2025 | 60 | 04-Jul-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 40 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653728 | AAA0009 | Goods | 30000000 | Building Rehabilitation Materials | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Jul-2025 | 01-Aug-2025 | 25-Aug-2025 | 12-Sep-2025 | 90 | 28-Mar-2024 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 369 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653729 | AAA0051 | Non Complex Works | 22101700 | Construction of Clinic | Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653730 | AAA0033 | Goods | 22000000 | Drone Machines | Planning Department | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 5 | 27-Jun-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 2 | Domestic Request for Quotation Method | No |
653731 | AAA0035 | Consultancy Service | 30000000 | Provision of Job Evaluation Service | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Sep-2025 | 22-Oct-2025 | 08-Aug-2025 | 08-Aug-2025 | 90 | 28-Nov-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653732 | AAA0034 | Non Consultancy Service | 80120000 | Provision of Auction Services | Finance Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Sep-2025 | 22-Oct-2025 | 11-Nov-2025 | 11-Nov-2025 | 90 | 28-Nov-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653733 | AAA0052 | Goods | 22101700 | Solar Sytem Equipment and Installation | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653734 | AAA0053 | Non Complex Works | 22101700 | Borehole Sitting, Drilling and Instation | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 5 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653735 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | 10 000 Litres Water Bowser | Roads Section | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653736 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | Grader | Roads Section | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653737 | AAA0055 | Non Complex Works | 22101700 | Construction of Fire Station | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653738 | AAA0054 | Non Complex Works | 22101700 | Servicing of Stands | Housing Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653739 | AAA0056 | Non Complex Works | 22101700 | Construction of Service Station | Housing Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653740 | AAA0057 | Non Complex Works | 22101700 | Construction of Schools | Housing Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653741 | AAA0058 | Non Complex Works | 22101700 | Construction of Truck Inn | Housing Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653742 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | Refuse Compactor | Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653743 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | Tractor Loader Backhoe | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653744 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | Front End Loader | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653745 | AAA0060 | Goods | 22101700 | Tendai Hall Rehabilitation Materials | Housing Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653746 | AAA0059 | Non Complex Works | 22101700 | Construction of Garikai Bridge | Works Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 90 | 14-Apr-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653747 | AAA0036 | Non Consultancy Service | 10000000 | Priovision of Land Scaping Services | Housing Department | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 10-Mar-2025 | 10-Mar-2025 | 3 | 14-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 4 | Domestic Request for Quotation Method | No |
653748 | AAA0018 | Goods | 25102100 | Mini Bus | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653749 | AAA0018 | Goods | 25102100 | Tow Away Vehicle | Municipal Police Section | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653750 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | Tractor | Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
653751 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | Tractor and Trailer | Roads Section | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2024 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
707469 | AAA0001 | Non Consultancy Service | 14111600 | Printing Services | All Departments | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-Feb-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 5 | 03-Mar-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 3000 | Domestic Request for Quotation Method | No |
707941 | AAA0005 | Goods | 44000000 | Computer Accessories | Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Mar-2025 | 28-Mar-2025 | 22-Apr-2025 | 22-Apr-2025 | 60 | 30-Apr-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 50 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
707944 | AAA0005 | Goods | 44000000 | Cellphones | Central Stores | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Mar-2025 | 28-Mar-2025 | 22-Apr-2025 | 22-Apr-2025 | 60 | 30-Apr-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 30 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
708520 | AAA0033 | Goods | 22000000 | Plotter | Planning Department | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 5 | 27-Jun-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Request for Quotation Method | No |
708633 | AAA0033 | Goods | 22000000 | Geographic Information System Data Collector | Planning Department | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 5 | 27-Jun-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Request for Quotation Method | No |
759115 | AAA0063 | Goods | 41000000 | Clinic Equipment and Madicines | Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Sep-2025 | 03-Oct-2025 | 23-Oct-2025 | 23-Oct-2025 | 60 | 14-Nov-2025 | N | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 12 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
759286 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | Skip Bin | Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
759287 | AAA0032 | Goods | 78181508 | Skip Bin Loader | Health Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Jun-2025 | 25-Jul-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 18-Aug-2025 | 90 | 05-Sep-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding Method | No |
802051 | AAAA0070 | Consultancy Service | 46150000 | Provision of Council Legal Services | Administration Department | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Mar-2025 | 21-Apr-2025 | 08-May-2025 | 08-May-2025 | 90 | 16-May-2025 | Y | Procuring Entity Internal Budget Funding | Number | 1 | Domestic Competitive Framework Agreement Method | No |