646416 | BKD001 | Goods | 51000000 | Medicines and Drugs | Pharmacy | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Mar-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 10-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Various | 1 | Direct Procurement to Natpharm as per MOHCC derective of 13 December 2021 | No |
646417 | BKD002 | Goods | 42000000 | Surgicals | Pharmacy | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Mar-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | 24-Mar-2025 | 25-Mar-2025 | 7 | 03-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Various | 1 | Direct Procurement to Natpharm as per MOHCC derective of 13 December 2021 | No |
646418 | BKD003 | Goods | 42000000 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Pharmacy | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Apr-2025 | 17-Apr-2025 | 21-Apr-2025 | 22-Apr-2025 | 7 | 02-May-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Various | 1 | ok | No |
646419 | BKD004 | Goods | 14000000 | Stationery | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Feb-2025 | 28-Feb-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 04-Mar-2025 | 7 | 13-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Number | 1 | Stationery is going to be procured in phases of four quarters. Each procurement is probably going to be 2400.00 | No |
646420 | BKD005 | Goods | 44000000 | Office Equipment, Furniture and Supplies | Admin | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Apr-2025 | 11-Apr-2025 | 14-Apr-2025 | 15-Apr-2025 | 7 | 24-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646421 | BKD006 | Goods | 50000000 | Food Provisions and Refreshments | Admin | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Feb-2025 | 28-Feb-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 04-Mar-2025 | 7 | 13-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646422 | BKD007 | Goods | 40170000 | Plumbing Materials | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Mar-2025 | 28-Mar-2025 | 31-Mar-2025 | 01-Apr-2025 | 7 | 10-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646423 | BKD008 | Goods | 27000000 | Hardaware and Tools | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 04-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 08-Apr-2025 | 7 | 17-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | The items are going to be procured in phase of 4 quarters. | No |
646424 | BKD009 | Goods | 41106401 | Electricals | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 04-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 08-Apr-2025 | 7 | 17-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646425 | BKD010 | Goods | 47000000 | Cleaning Equipment and Supplies | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 04-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 08-Apr-2025 | 7 | 17-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646426 | BKD011 | Goods | 53000000 | Uniforms | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Apr-2025 | 14-Apr-2025 | 17-Apr-2025 | 18-Apr-2025 | 7 | 27-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646427 | BKD012 | Goods | 15120000 | Lubricants and Oils | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 04-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 08-Apr-2025 | 7 | 17-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646428 | BKD013 | Goods | 15000000 | Fuels | Admin | Restricted Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 25-Feb-2025 | 26-Feb-2025 | 7 | 07-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Litre | 1 | Restricted Bidding method is going to be used which is inline with circular dated 26 July 2022 with Ref No. B/110/2 | No |
646429 | BKD014 | Non Complex Works | 72000000 | Building and Facility Construction and Maintenance Services | Admin | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 29-Apr-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 10-Jun-2025 | 50 | 24-Jun-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Domestic Competitive Bidding | No |
646430 | BKD015 | Goods | 25000000 | Vehicle Accessories and Componets | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Apr-2025 | 11-Apr-2025 | 14-Apr-2025 | 15-Apr-2025 | 7 | 24-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 4 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646431 | BKD016 | Goods | 12000000 | Chemicals and Gas Materials | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Mar-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 10-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotationmethod | No |
646432 | BKD017 | Non Consultancy Service | 78181500 | Vehicle Maintenance and Repairs | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Mar-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 7 | 27-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 4 | The District has four motor vehicles and they are going to be serviced at defferent times | No |
646433 | BKD018 | Goods | 43210000 | Computer Equipment and Repairs | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 04-Apr-2025 | 07-Apr-2025 | 08-Apr-2025 | 7 | 17-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646434 | BKD019 | Goods | 53000000 | Protective Clothing | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Mar-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 7 | 27-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646435 | BKD020 | Goods | 47000000 | Detergents | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Mar-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | 24-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 7 | 03-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646436 | BKD021 | Non Consultancy Service | 83110000 | Airtime | Admin | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Feb-2025 | 28-Feb-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 04-Mar-2025 | 7 | 13-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Direct Procurement from Econet Zimbabwe | No |
646437 | BKD022 | Non Consultancy Service | 93151517 | Licences | Admin | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Feb-2025 | 28-Feb-2025 | 03-Mar-2025 | 04-Mar-2025 | 7 | 13-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | ok | No |
646438 | BKD023 | Non Consultancy Service | 78181500 | Motor Cycle Repairs | Admin | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 22-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 28-Apr-2025 | 29-Apr-2025 | 7 | 08-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 15 | Direct Procurement method is going to be used. | No |
646439 | BKD024 | Goods | 14000000 | Security Items | Admin | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Mar-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 18-Apr-2025 | 7 | 27-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Various | 1 | Security items are items to be procured directly frm Prntflow e.g Receipt Books, Tradesman Requisition Books, Date Stamps, Vehicle Log Books, Ward Books, Issue Voucher Books e.t.c | No |
646440 | BKD025 | Non Consultancy Service | 90000000 | Conference Facilities, Hire and Entertainment Services | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Jun-2025 | 06-Jun-2025 | 09-Jun-2025 | 10-Jun-2025 | 7 | 19-Jun-2025 | N | Donor Funding | Various | 1 | Rquest For Quotation method | No |
646441 | BKD026 | Non Consultancy Service | 78000000 | Motor Vehicle Hire | Admin | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 20-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 25-Feb-2025 | 7 | 06-Mar-2025 | N | Donor Funding | Each | 1 | Exempted | No |
646442 | BKD027 | Goods | 42000000 | Bedding and Linen | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Mar-2025 | 21-Mar-2025 | 24-Mar-2025 | 25-Mar-2025 | 7 | 03-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646443 | BKD028 | Non Consultancy Service | 60102906 | Bill Payments | Admin | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 20-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 25-Feb-2025 | 7 | 06-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Various | 1 | Direct Procument Method | No |
646444 | BKD029 | Goods | 31211500 | Building Materials | Admin | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Apr-2025 | 11-Apr-2025 | 14-Apr-2025 | 15-Apr-2025 | 7 | 24-Apr-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | ok | No |
646445 | BKD030 | Goods | 44103100 | Toner Cartridges | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Mar-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 10-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646446 | BKD031 | Goods | 14121600 | Toiletries | Admin | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Mar-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 10-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | GoZ Treasury Regular Budget Allocation | Various | 1 | Request for Quotation method | No |
646447 | BKD032 | Non Consultancy Service | 72101517 | Back up Generator Service | Admin | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Apr-2025 | 11-Apr-2025 | 14-Apr-2025 | 15-Apr-2025 | 7 | 24-Apr-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Direct Procuement Method to be used | No |