706806 | SRC 2025/ 001 | Goods | 25101503-VA102B | Conditions of Service Vehicle, SUV (Hatchback) not more than 3500 cc for diesel or petrol | Director General | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Apr-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 20-Jun-2025 | 30-Jun-2025 | 65 | 25-Jul-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Competitive bidding | No |
706807 | SRC 2025/ 001 | Goods | 25101507 | Light trucks Toyota Double cab for Conditions of Service | Commercial Director | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Apr-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 20-Jun-2025 | 30-Jun-2025 | 65 | 25-Jul-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Competitive bidding | No |
706808 | SRC 2025/ 001 | Goods | 25100000 | New Motor Vehicles | Provincial Offices M&E | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Apr-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 20-Jun-2025 | 30-Jun-2025 | 65 | 25-Jul-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 15 | Domestic Competitive bidding | No |
706809 | SRC 2025/ 002 | Goods | 25101507 | Light trucks Toyota Double cab for Conditions of Service | Legal and Corporate Services, | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Jun-2025 | 20-Jul-2025 | 20-Aug-2025 | 30-Aug-2025 | 15 | 25-Nov-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Direct procurement. Tender awarded SRC 001/05/2021 | No |
706810 | SRC 2025/ 003 | Goods | 80141615 | Used vehicle not exceeding 1500cc (Preowned) | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 17-Apr-2025 | 30-May-2025 | 15 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 10 | Domestic | No |
706811 | SRC 2025/ 004 | Goods | 45120000 | Photographic or filming or video equipment | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 10-Apr-2025 | 21-Apr-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 12 | Domestic | No |
706812 | SRC 2025/ 005 | Goods | 26111607 | Solar generators | Institutional | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 15 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic | No |
706813 | SRC 2025/ 006 | Goods | 56101700 | Office Chairs | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 65 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 44 | Domestic | No |
706814 | SRC 2025/ 006 | Goods | 56101700 | Visitors Chairs | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 65 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 38 | Domestic | No |
706815 | SRC 2025/ 006 | Goods | 56101700 | Typist Chairs | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 65 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 4 | Domestic | No |
706816 | SRC 2025/ 006 | Goods | 56101700 | Office desks | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 65 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 40 | Domestic | No |
706817 | SRC 2025/ 006 | Goods | 56101700 | Filing Cabinet | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 65 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 9 | Domestic | No |
706818 | SRC 2025/ 007 | Goods | 90111602 | Videoconferencing facilities | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 17-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 15 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic | No |
706819 | SRC 2025/ 008 | Goods | 43222805 | Private branch exchange PBX equipment | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 20-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 66 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic | No |
706820 | SRC 2025/ 009 | Goods | 26111601 | Diesel generators | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Aug-2025 | 18-Sep-2025 | 20-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 10 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 8 | Domestic | No |
706821 | SRC 2025/ 010 | Goods | 43191501 | Mobile phones | Institutional | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Jul-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 25-Sep-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 66 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 47 | Domestic | No |
706822 | SRC 2025/ 010 | Goods | 43211503-LCT-03 | Laptop Computer, branded | Institutional | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Jul-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 25-Sep-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 66 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 30 | Domestic | No |
706823 | SRC 2025/ 010 | Goods | 43211502 | High end computer servers | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Jul-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 25-Sep-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 66 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic | No |
706824 | SRC 2025/ 010 | Goods | 45111600 | Projectors and supplies | Sport Development | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Jul-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 25-Sep-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 66 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 10 | Domestic | No |
706825 | SRC 2025/ 010 | Goods | 43212105 | Laser printers Heavy Duty | Sport Development | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Jul-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 25-Sep-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 66 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 20 | Domestic | No |
706826 | SRC 2025/ 011 | Goods | 43230000 | Software by University/College | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Aug-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 17-Oct-2025 | 30-Nov-2025 | 15 | 20-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 4 | Direct Procurement | No |
706827 | SRC 2025/ 012 | Non-Consultancy Services | 81111818 | Third party warranty service | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Mar-2025 | 30-Apr-2025 | 05-Aug-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 10 | Domestic | No |
706828 | SRC 2025/ 013 | Non-Consultancy Services | 90110000 | Hotels and lodging and meeting facilities | Institutional | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 27-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 522 | Domestic | No |
706829 | SRC 2025/ 014 | Non-Consultancy Services | 90111800 | Hotel rooms | Institutional | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 2600 | Domestic | No |
706830 | SRC 2025/ 015 | Goods | 55120000 | Signage and accessories | Marketing | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 11 | Framework Agreement | No |
706831 | SRC 2025/ 015 | Goods | 55121706 | Banners | Marketing/Sport Development | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 84 | Framework Agreement | No |
706832 | SRC 2025/ 017 | Non-Consultancy Services | 82101701 | Advertising services | Marketing | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Apr-2025 | 31-May-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 20 | Domestic | No |
706833 | SRC 2025/ 018 | Goods | 90141503 | Exhibitions Sanganai-Hlanganani, Agric Shows/ZITF/Disability Expo/Sport Symposium/Chitepo Festival for Arts and Sport | Marketing | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Events | 6 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706834 | SRC 2025/ 019 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80171800 | Media relations services | Public Relations | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 12 | Domestic | No |
706835 | SRC 2025/ 020 | Non-Consultancy Services | 82101504 | Newspaper advertising | Marketing | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 15 | Domestic | No |
706836 | SRC 2025/ 021 | Non-Consultancy Services | 82101601 | Radio advertising | Marketing | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 10 | Domestic | No |
706837 | SRC 2025/ 022 | Non-Consultancy Services | 82101602 | Television advertising | Marketing | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 5 | Domestic | No |
706838 | SRC 2025/ 023 | Goods | 55101515 | Promotional material or annual reports | Marketing | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 12 | Domestic | No |
706839 | SRC 2025/ 024 | Goods | 55101500 | Printed publications | Institutional | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 50 | Domestic | No |
706840 | SRC 2025/ 025 | Non-Consultancy Services | 15101506 | Gasoline or Petrol | Institutional | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litres | 128500 | Domestic | No |
706841 | SRC 2025/ 026 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80141500 | Market research | Marketing | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 4 | Domestic | No |
706842 | SRC 2025/ 027 | Non-Consultancy Services | 90141601 | Company sponsored professional sports events, Golf Tournament | Institutional | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Aug-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | Domestic | No |
706843 | SRC 2025/ 028 | Non-Consultancy Services | 90141603 | Sporting event promotion services (Expo, Convention) | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jul-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | Domestic | No |
706844 | SRC 2025/ 028 | Goods | 90141603 | Sporting event promotion material (Expo, Convention) | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jul-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | Domestic | No |
706845 | SRC 2025/ 029 | Goods | 90141701 | Youth competitive sports leagues (Marathon, Drug and Substance Abuse) | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-May-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706846 | SRC 2025/ 030 | Non-Consultancy Services | 49101700 | Awards; National and Provincial Venue, Meals | Institutional | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 500 | Domestic | No |
706847 | SRC 2025/ 031 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80171602 | Online and social media publicity
service (Including, Facebook, Youtube, X-handle, ) | Marketing | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 11 | Domestic | No |
706848 | SRC 2025/ 032 | Non-Consultancy Services | 83121703 | Internet Services, bandwidth, emails | Institutional | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Monthly | 12 | Domestic | No |
706849 | SRC 2025/ 033 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80170000 | Public relations and professional communications services | Institutional | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 35 | Domestic | No |
706850 | SRC 2025/ 034 | Goods | 43202010 | EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE, 1TB, 2.5HDD | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 10 | Domestic | No |
706851 | SRC 2025/ 034 | Goods | 43202010-FD-U01 | FLASH DRIVE, 16 GB capacity | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 60 | Domestic | No |
706852 | SRC 2025/ 035 | Goods | 14111509 | Stationery | Institutional | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 22-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 67 | 31-Dec-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 10 | Framework Agreement | No |
706853 | SRC 2025/ 037 | Goods | 41105308 | Cartridges | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 66 | Domestic | No |
706854 | SRC 2025/ 038 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80172001 | Internal communication service Network Airtime, Data | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Monthly | 12 | Direct Procurement | No |
706855 | SRC 2025/ 039 | Goods | 44120000 | Office supplies | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Monthly | 12 | Framework Agreement | No |
706856 | SRC 2025/ 040 | Goods | 47131800 | Toiletries and Cleaning consumables | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Monthly | 2329 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706857 | SRC 2025/ 041 | Non-Consultancy Services | 30181500 | Sanitary bin hire | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Monthly | 12 | Direct Procurement | No |
706858 | SRC 2025/ 042 | Non-Consultancy Services | 78181500 | Vehicle maintenance and repair services | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 60 | Framework Agreement | No |
706859 | SRC 2025/ 043 | Non-Consultancy Services | 72100000 | Building and facility maintenance and repair services | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-May-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 65 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706860 | SRC 2025/ 044 | Goods | 25173900 | Electrical components | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 10 | Domestic | No |
706861 | SRC 2025/ 045 | Non-Consultancy Services | 72153613 | Office furniture lease and maintenance service | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 12 | Domestic | No |
706862 | SRC 2025/ 046 | Non-Consultancy Services | 93151517 | License or registration fees | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 20 | Domestic | No |
706863 | SRC 2025/ 047 | Non-Consultancy Services | 84000000 | Financial and Insurance Services | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 2 | Domestic | No |
706864 | SRC 2025/ 048 | Goods | 15121503 | Gear oil | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 7 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litres | 500 | Domestic | No |
706865 | SRC 2025/ 048 | Goods | 15121501 | Engine oil | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 7 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litres | 700 | Domestic | No |
706866 | SRC 2025/ 048 | Goods | 15121508 | Transmission oil | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 7 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | litres | 50 | Domestic | No |
706867 | SRC 2025/ 050 | Goods | 15121508 | Specialty fabrics or cloth (National Fabric Wear) | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 09-May-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | litres | 400 | Domestic | No |
706868 | SRC 2025/ 051 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80131502 | Commercial or industrial facility rental | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Monthly | 12 | Domestic | No |
706869 | SRC 2025/ 052 | Goods | 50202301 | Bulk Water | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Jul-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 5 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litres | 370000 | Domestic | No |
706870 | SRC 2025/ 053 | Non-Consultancy Services | 71123005 | Management and provision of all catering, cleaning, office and security services at location or platform | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 6 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 12 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706871 | SRC 2025/ 054 | Goods | 90151803 | Fair stands creation or construction | Marketing | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Mar-2025 | 08-Apr-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 30-Jun-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706872 | SRC 2025/ 055 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80141607 | Events management | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Events | 10 | Domestic | No |
706873 | SRC 2025/ 056 | Non-Consultancy Services | 43212111-GFA-001 | Airline Travel-tickets | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 60 | Domestic | No |
706874 | SRC 2025/ 057 | Non-Consultancy Services | 90121500 | Travel agents AUSC-Namibia | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Jun-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 277 | Domestic | No |
706875 | SRC 2025/ 058 | Goods | 60141115 | Games Kit AUSC Games Team kit, Namibia 2025 | Sport Development | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Feb-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 16-Apr-2025 | 02-May-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 1 | Domestic | No |
706876 | SRC 2025/ 059 | Goods | 90141703 | Youth sports. Zimbabwe National Junior Pararlympic Championships (Caps, T shirts, meals,) formerly National and Provincial Youth and Paralympic Festivals | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 1 | Domestic | No |
706877 | SRC 2025/ 060 | Goods | 42000000 | Medical Equipment and Accessories and Supplies | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Mar-2025 | 28-Apr-2025 | 21-May-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | Domestic | No |
706878 | SRC 2025/ 061 | Non-Consultancy Services | 78111503 | Chartered airplane travel | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 30 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 2 | Domestic | No |
706879 | SRC 2025/ 062 | Non-Consultancy Services | 78111808 | Vehicle rental | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 20 | Domestic | No |
706880 | SRC 2025/ 063 | Goods | 55121715 | Flags or accessories | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 50 | Domestic | No |
706881 | SRC 2025/ 064 | Goods | 55121714 | Pennants, exchange gifts | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-May-2025 | 19-May-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 308 | Domestic | No |
706882 | SRC 2025/ 065 | Goods | 60000000 | Musical Instruments and Games and Toys and Arts and Crafts and Educational Equipment and Materials and Accessories and Supplies | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Mar-2025 | 31-Mar-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 12 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706883 | SRC 2025/ 066 | Non-Consultancy Services | 84131517 | Travel insurance (Teams/Delegates) | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic | No |
706884 | SRC 2025/ 067 | Goods | 49120000 | Camping and outdoor equipment and accessories (Tents) | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | Domestic | No |
706885 | SRC 2025/ 068 | Goods | 50500000 | Nutritional supplements for sport teams | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 2 | Domestic | No |
706886 | SRC 2025/ 069 | Goods | 49221500 | Sport accessories (Balls, nets, rackets, whistles) | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 50 | Domestic | No |
706887 | SRC 2025/ 070 | Goods | 49101701 | Medals | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 985 | Domestic | No |
706888 | SRC 2025/ 071 | Non-Consultancy Services | 90111900 | Specialized accommodation services | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1200 | Domestic | No |
706889 | SRC 2025/ 072 | Non-Consultancy Services | 90150000 | Entertainment services Dance groups, DJs/MCs, Musical | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 22 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706890 | SRC 2025/ 073 | Non-Consultancy Services | 81141800 | Facilities management (Refurbishment) | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 22 | Domestic | No |
706891 | SRC 2025/ 074 | Goods | 50202309 | Sport or energy drink/bars | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 2500 | Domestic | No |
706892 | SRC 2025/ 075 | Goods | 50300000 | Fresh fruits (Sport Teams) | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 2500 | Domestic | No |
706893 | SRC 2025/ 076 | Goods | 50202310 | Mineral water (Teams) | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 20000 | Domestic | No |
706894 | SRC 2025/ 077 | Non-Consultancy Services | 45111705 | Public address systems | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 48 | Domestic | No |
706895 | SRC 2025/ 078 | Goods | 14111604 | Business/ corporate identity cards | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 400 | Domestic | No |
706896 | SRC 2025/ 079 | Non-Consultancy Services | 95141802 | Emergency tent or Sport hall hire | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 20 | Domestic | No |
706897 | SRC 2025/ 080 | Goods | 53101904 | Womens suits | Institutional | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 100 | Domestic | No |
706898 | SRC 2025/ 080 | Goods | 53102710 | Corporate Uniforms Blazers | Institutional | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 100 | Domestic | No |
706899 | SRC 2025/ 080 | Goods | 53101902 | Mens suits | Institutional | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 100 | Domestic | No |
706900 | SRC 2025/ 081 | Goods | 10171700 | Herbicides (Sport Fields) | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litres | 500 | Domestic | No |
706901 | SRC 2025/ 082 | Goods | 27112311 | Marking chalk/Goal Mark Liquid | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litres | 600 | Domestic | No |
706902 | SRC 2025/ 082 | Goods | 49161524 | Soccer field marking equipment | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 6 | Domestic | No |
706903 | SRC 2025/ 084 | Goods | 25172504 | Automobile or light truck tires | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 60 | Domestic | No |
706904 | SRC 2025/ 085 | Goods | 14111821 | Order forms or Order Books,
Requisition Books | PMU | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 7 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 160 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706905 | SRC 2025/ 085 | Goods | 14111822 | Receipt Books, Delivery, Issue and Receiving Books | Finance and Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 7 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 160 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706906 | SRC 2025/ 087 | Non-Consultancy Services | 84111603 | Internal audits | Internal Audit | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 5 | Domestic | No |
706907 | SRC 2025/ 088 | Consultancy Services | 84111600 | External Audit Services | Internal Audit | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic | No |
706908 | SRC 2025/ 089 | Non-Consultancy Services | 84111602 | Quarterly reviews, NSA, AGM | Governance & Compliance | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 6 | Domestic | No |
706909 | SRC 2025/ 090 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80101606 | Project monitoring and evaluation | Institutional | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 40 | Domestic | No |
706910 | SRC 2025/ 091 | Goods | 60101600 | Educational certificates or diplomas | Training | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 2000 | Domestic | No |
706911 | SRC 2025/ 093 | Goods | 46181533 | Protective Clothing | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 80 | Domestic | No |
706912 | SRC 2025/ 094 | Goods | 49221500 | Field and Sports Specific Equipment, Judo, Karate, Taekwondo | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-May-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 5 | Domestic | No |
706913 | SRC 2025/ 095 | Goods | 10170000 | Fertilizers and plant nutrients | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litres | 240 | Domestic | No |
706914 | SRC 2025/ 096 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80141705 | Auction services | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 2 | Domestic | No |
706915 | SRC 2025/ 097 | Non-Consultancy Services | 86000000 | Education and Training Services | Training | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | Domestic | No |
706916 | SRC 2025/ 098 | Goods | 53102717 | Specialised Sporting and Competition Uniforms, e.g. Swimming, Tennis, Rugby | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 31-May-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 12 | To apply for PRAZ Exemption, Specialised Kit | No |
706917 | SRC 2025/ 099 | Goods | 60101403 | Celebration crowns (Independence, H.E Children's Party, Heroes, Unity
Day) | Institutional | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 4 | To apply for PRAZ Exemption of National Projects | No |
706918 | SRC 2025/ 100 | Goods | 90141702 | Adult sports leagues (Wellness) | Institutional | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Project | 4 | Domestic | No |
706919 | SRC 2025/ 101 | Consultancy Services | 80111509 | Job evaluation service | Human Resources | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Aug-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic | No |
706920 | SRC 2025/ 102 | Goods | 10191509 | Insecticides (Sport Fields) | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litres | 400 | Domestic | No |
706921 | SRC 2025/ 103 | Non-Consultancy Services | 86132201 | Training workshop service Capacity building, Board, Staff, National Association, Strategic plan review | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Monthly | 12 | Domestic | No |
706922 | SRC 2025/ 104 | Goods | 49101704 | Plaques A3, A4, A5 | Sport Development | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 60 | Domestic | No |
706923 | SRC 2025/ 105 | Goods | 49101702 | Trophies and Shields | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 200 | Domestic | No |
706924 | SRC 2025/ 106 | Non-Consultancy Services | 82140000 | Graphic design | Marketing | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Monthly | 12 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706925 | SRC 2025/ 107 | Non-Consultancy Services | 82151706 | Choreographic services | Sport Development | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Events | 4 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706926 | SRC 2025/ 108 | Non-Consultancy Services | 72153500 | Structural exterior cleaning services | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Jul-2025 | 18-Nov-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 4 | Affirmative Procurement | No |
706927 | SRC 2025/ 109 | Goods | 27112014 | Lawnmowers, Ride-on-mower | Sport Development | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 25-Apr-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Jul-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic | No |
706928 | SRC 2025/ 110 | Non-Consultancy Services | 86101704 | Procurement or supply chain training | PMU | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 18-Nov-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 6 | Domestic | No |
706929 | SRC 2025/ 111 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80171600 | Publicity and marketing support services | Public Relations | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Feb-2025 | 18-Nov-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 15 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 21 | Domestic | No |
706930 | SRC 2025/ 112 | Goods | 50192700 | Packaged combination meals | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Feb-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 400 | Domestic | No |
706931 | SRC 2025/ 113 | Goods | 49101705 | Registration Certificates (Sport Associations) | Governance & Compliance | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Mar-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 10 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 200 | Domestic | No |
706932 | SRC 2025/ 114 | Consultancy Services | 80120000 | Legal services | Legal and Corporate Services, | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Mar-2025 | 18-Nov-2025 | 05-Dec-2025 | 31-Dec-2025 | 65 | 31-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 15 | Domestic | No |