763795 | MTB01 | Non-Consultancy Services | 92121504 | Security Guard Services | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Mar-2025 | 10-Apr-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 52 | 01-Jun-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763796 | MTB02 | Goods | 15100000 | Fuels | Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 7 | 14-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 5672 | Direct Procurement | No |
763797 | MTB03 | Goods | 15111500 | Gaseous Fuels | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-May-2025 | 16-May-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 7 | 01-Jun-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Kg | 3000 | Request for Quotation | No |
763798 | MTB04 | Non-Consultancy Services | 78181500 | Vehicle maintenance and repair services | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 11 | FrameworkAgreements | No |
763799 | MTB05 | Non-Complex Works | 72100000 | Maintenance of physical infrastructure | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 20-Feb-2025 | 26-Feb-2025 | 26-Feb-2025 | 7 | 03-Mar-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Rate | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763800 | MTB06 | Non-Complex Works | 30151700 | Gutter Supply | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 7 | 14-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763801 | MTB06 | Non-Complex Works | 72101510 | Plumbing repairs | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 7 | 14-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Rate | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763802 | MTB07 | Goods | 82121507 | Stationery or business form printing | Stores | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 7 | 14-Feb-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1800 | Request for Quotation | No |
763803 | MTB08 | Goods | 53102710 | Corporate uniforms | Human Resources | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 15-May-2025 | 06-Jun-2025 | 06-Jun-2025 | 60 | 02-Jul-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763804 | MTB09 | Non-Consultancy Services | 84131500 | Insurance services for structures and property and possessions | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Jun-2025 | 10-Jul-2025 | 31-Jul-2025 | 27-Aug-2025 | 52 | 27-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763805 | MTB09 | Non-Consultancy Services | 64121503 | Commercial automotive insurance policy | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Jun-2025 | 10-Jul-2025 | 31-Jul-2025 | 27-Aug-2025 | 52 | 27-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763806 | MTB10 | Goods | 64121503 | Toner catridges | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 9 | 14-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763807 | MTB11 | Non-Consultancy Services | 81112100 | Internet services | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Jun-2025 | 10-Jul-2025 | 31-Jul-2025 | 27-Aug-2025 | 52 | 27-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Rate | 12 | FrameworkAgreements | No |
763808 | MTB12 | Goods | 55101504 | Newspapers | Marketing | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 7 | 14-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Direct Procurement | No |
763809 | MTB13 | Non-Consultancy Services | 81161708 | Telephone Support Service | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Jun-2025 | 20-Jun-2025 | 24-Jun-2025 | 24-Jun-2025 | 10 | 27-Jun-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Rate | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763810 | MTB14 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80171600 | Media House Advertising | Marketing | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Jun-2025 | 20-Jun-2025 | 24-Jun-2025 | 24-Jun-2025 | 10 | 27-Jun-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Direct Procurement | No |
763811 | MTB15 | Goods | 60105409 | Brand marketing or advertising instructional materials | Marketing | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 19-Mar-2025 | 31-Mar-2025 | 31-Mar-2025 | 50 | 22-Apr-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763812 | MTB16 | Goods | 43210000 | Computer Equipment and Accessories | ICT | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Jun-2025 | 20-Jun-2025 | 24-Jun-2025 | 24-Jun-2025 | 10 | 27-Jun-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 20 | Request for Quotation | No |
763813 | MTB17 | Goods | 76111500 | General building and office cleaning and maintenance items | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Mar-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Rate | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763814 | MTB18 | Non-Complex Works | 72121103 | Refurbishment of Boarding rooms | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 30-Apr-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 60 | 18-Jul-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763815 | MTB19 | Goods | 25100000 | Motor vehicles | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Apr-2025 | 05-May-2025 | 10-Jul-2025 | 10-Jul-2025 | 64 | 08-Aug-2025 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 7 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763816 | MTB20 | Non-Complex Works | 26100000 | Power sources | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 30-Apr-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 60 | 18-Jul-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763817 | MTB21 | Goods | 43211521 | All in one desktop computer | Training | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 30-Apr-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 60 | 18-Jul-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 50 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763818 | MTB21 | Goods | 43211500 | Computers | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 27-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 28-Mar-2025 | 28-Mar-2025 | 60 | 02-Apr-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 15 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763819 | MTB22 | Non-Complex Works | 72121202 | Greenhouse Construction | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Oct-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763820 | MTB23 | Non-Complex Works | 23151804 | Biogas Digester | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-May-2025 | 16-May-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 7 | 01-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763821 | MTB24 | Goods | 49171500 | Gym and ball court equpment | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-May-2025 | 16-May-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 20-May-2025 | 7 | 01-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 24 | Request for Quotation | No |
763822 | MTB25 | Goods | 10191703 | Fly Screens | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Oct-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 50 | Request for Quotation | No |
763823 | MTB26 | Non-Consultancy Services | 46191600 | Fire Fighting Equipment and Servicing | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Oct-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763824 | MTB27 | Goods | 43191606 | Cellphones and Ipad | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 19-Mar-2025 | 31-Mar-2025 | 31-Mar-2025 | 50 | 22-Apr-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 14 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763825 | MTB28 | Goods | 45111500 | Sound systems and accessories | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Jun-2025 | 20-Jun-2025 | 24-Jun-2025 | 24-Jun-2025 | 10 | 27-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 3 | Request for Quotation | No |
763826 | MTB29 | Non-Consultancy Services | 43232303 | Customer relationship management CRM software | Marketing | Expression of Interest | 02-Apr-2025 | 02-May-2025 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Jun-2025 | 16-Jun-2025 | 50 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763827 | MTB29 | Non-Consultancy Services | 14111819 | Bookings System | Marketing | Expression of Interest | 02-Apr-2025 | 02-May-2025 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Jun-2025 | 16-Jun-2025 | 50 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763828 | MTB29 | Non-Consultancy Services | 84121706 | Asset Management System | Marketing | Expression of Interest | 02-Apr-2025 | 02-May-2025 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Jun-2025 | 16-Jun-2025 | 50 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763829 | MTB30 | Goods | 27110000 | Tools and hardware | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Mar-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 7 | 13-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 418 | Request for Quotation | No |
763830 | MTB31 | Goods | 45111900 | Video Conferencing System | Training | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 30-Apr-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 27-Jun-2025 | 60 | 18-Jul-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763831 | MTB32 | Goods | 43231509 | Asset Coding Machine | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Mar-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 7 | 13-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763832 | MTB33 | Goods | 48101529 | Pressure cookers or pressure fryers | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 09-Jun-2025 | 13-Jun-2025 | 18-Jun-2025 | 18-Jun-2025 | 8 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763833 | MTB33 | Goods | 48101530 | Commercial use rice cookers | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 09-Jun-2025 | 13-Jun-2025 | 18-Jun-2025 | 18-Jun-2025 | 8 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763834 | MTB33 | Goods | 48101709 | Ice dispensers | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 09-Jun-2025 | 13-Jun-2025 | 18-Jun-2025 | 18-Jun-2025 | 8 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763835 | MTB34 | Goods | 23231100 | Meat Cutter | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Sep-2025 | 12-Sep-2025 | 17-Sep-2025 | 17-Sep-2025 | 8 | 30-Sep-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763836 | MTB35 | Goods | 56101504 | Executive Chairs | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Mar-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 11-Mar-2025 | 7 | 13-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Rate | 6 | Request for Quotation | No |
763837 | MTB36 | Non-Consultancy Services | 60105308 | Team Building Structures | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-May-2025 | 23-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 8 | 06-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763838 | MTB37 | Goods | 24101706 | Trolleys or accessories | Hospitality | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-May-2025 | 23-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 8 | 06-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 2 | Request for Quotation | No |
763839 | MTB38 | Goods | 41103011 | General purpose refrigerators or refrigerator freezers | Hospitality | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Oct-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 22-Oct-2025 | 22-Oct-2025 | 8 | 31-Oct-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 20 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763840 | MTB37 | Goods | 47121609 | Carpet cleaning equipment | Hospitality | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-May-2025 | 23-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 8 | 06-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 2 | Request for Quotation | No |
763841 | MTB39 | Goods | 52120000 | Bedclothes and table and kitchen linen and towels | Hospitality | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Feb-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 19-Feb-2025 | 19-Feb-2025 | 8 | 28-Feb-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 400 | Request for Quotation | No |
763842 | MTB40 | Goods | 47000000 | Cleaning Equipment and Supplies | Hospitality | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 6 | FrameworkAgreements | No |
763843 | MTB41 | Goods | 47110000 | Industrial laundry and dry cleaning equipment | Hospitality | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763844 | MTB42 | Goods | 44110000 | Office Furniture | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 40 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763845 | MTB42 | Goods | 48102000 | Restaurant Furniture | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 150 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763846 | MTB43 | Goods | 50130000 | Dairy products | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 600 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763847 | MTB43 | Goods | 50131700 | Milk and butter products | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 5000 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763848 | MTB44 | Goods | 91111502 | Dry Cleaning Services | Hospitality | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 8 | 20-Feb-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763849 | MTB45 | Goods | 24120000 | Packaging materials | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 8 | 20-Feb-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1200 | Request for Quotation | No |
763850 | MTB46 | Goods | 26101201-656 | Grocery Provisions | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 13-May-2025 | 13-May-2025 | 64 | 16-May-2025 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763851 | MTB47 | Goods | 14111705 | Paper napkins or serviettes | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 8 | 20-Feb-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Pack | 200 | Request for Quotation | No |
763852 | MTB47 | Goods | 12352206 | Tissues | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 8 | 20-Feb-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Pack | 300 | Request for Quotation | No |
763853 | MTB48 | Non-Consultancy Services | 76121500 | Refuse Waste Collection and Disposal | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-May-2025 | 09-May-2025 | 15-May-2025 | 15-May-2025 | 9 | 01-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763854 | MTB49 | Non-Consultancy Services | 30181500 | Sanitary Collection | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-May-2025 | 09-May-2025 | 15-May-2025 | 15-May-2025 | 9 | 01-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763855 | MTB50 | Non-Consultancy Services | 84111505 | HR Payroll Consultancy | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Oct-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763856 | MTB51 | Non-Consultancy Services | 80161703 | Disposal of Assets | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Oct-2025 | 24-Oct-2025 | 29-Oct-2025 | 29-Oct-2025 | 7 | 20-Nov-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763857 | MTB52 | Goods | 43212105 | Heavy Duty Printers | Administration Training | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Mar-2025 | 14-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 18-Mar-2025 | 7 | 20-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 2 | Request for Quotation | No |
763858 | MTB53 | Goods | 52161514 | Headphones | Training | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Jun-2025 | 13-Jun-2025 | 17-Jun-2025 | 17-Jun-2025 | 7 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 92 | Request for Quotation | No |
763859 | MTB53 | Goods | 43211501 | Computer servers - Offsight Backup System | Training | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Jun-2025 | 13-Jun-2025 | 17-Jun-2025 | 17-Jun-2025 | 7 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763860 | MTB53 | Goods | 45110000 | Audio and visual presentation and composing equipment | Training | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Jun-2025 | 13-Jun-2025 | 17-Jun-2025 | 17-Jun-2025 | 7 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 6 | Request for Quotation | No |
763861 | MTB54 | Goods | 24111816 | Liquified gas tank or cylinder | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-May-2025 | 09-May-2025 | 13-May-2025 | 13-May-2025 | 8 | 23-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 4 | Request for Quotation | No |
763862 | MTB55 | Goods | 23181703 | Cooking machinery Gwatamatic pot | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 05-Sep-2025 | 26-Sep-2025 | 51 | 13-Oct-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763863 | MTB55 | Goods | 48101800 | Cookware and kitchen tools | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 05-Sep-2025 | 26-Sep-2025 | 51 | 13-Oct-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 8166 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763864 | MTB56 | Goods | 48101500 | Cooking and warming equipment- Industrial Electric 6 plate stove | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-May-2025 | 23-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 28-May-2025 | 8 | 06-Jun-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Request for Quotation | No |
763865 | MTB57 | Goods | 50180000 | Bread and bakery products | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 8000 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763866 | MTB57 | Goods | 50400000 | Fresh vegetables | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763867 | MTB57 | Goods | 50300000 | Fresh fruits | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 1 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763868 | MTB57 | Goods | 50131800 | Cheese | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Kg | 800 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763869 | MTB57 | Goods | 50131600 | Eggs and egg substitutes | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 52 | 01-May-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Crate | 1300 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763870 | MTB57 | Goods | 50110000 | Meat and poultry products | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Feb-2025 | 07-Mar-2025 | 13-May-2025 | 13-May-2025 | 64 | 16-May-2025 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Kg | 25000 | Framework Agreements -To be exempted | No |
763871 | MTB58 | Goods | 50202310 | Spring or mineral water | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 25-Feb-2025 | 25-Feb-2025 | 7 | 03-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 25000 | Domestic Bidding | No |
763872 | MTB59 | Non-Consultancy Services | 72102103 | Fumigation Servicing | Catering | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 25-Feb-2025 | 25-Feb-2025 | 7 | 03-Mar-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Rate | 4 | Request for Quotation | No |