712930 | CHRDZ0001 | goods | 44100000 | computer consumables | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Jan-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 28-Feb-2025 | 28-Feb-2025 | 50 | 05-Mar-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | domestic tender | No |
712931 | CHRDZ0002 | non consultancy services | 43211507-DCT-03 | Repairing of Printers, photocopiers and laptopss | adminstration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Apr-2025 | 08-Apr-2025 | 23-Apr-2025 | 23-Apr-2025 | 7 | 23-Apr-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 4 | ok | No |
712932 | CHRDZ0003 | goods | 43211507-DCT-03 | Printer | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 50 | 08-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 20 | ok | No |
712933 | CHRDZ0003 | goods | 43211507-DCT-03 | Desktop | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2024 | 50 | 08-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 15 | ok | No |
712934 | CHRDZ0003 | goods | 43211507-DCT-03 | Laptop | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 50 | 08-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 13 | ok | No |
712935 | CHRDZ0003 | goods | 43211507-DCT-03 | tablets | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 50 | 08-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 10 | ok | No |
712936 | CHRDZ0003 | goods | 43211507-DCT-03 | digital camera | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 50 | 08-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 2 | ok | No |
712937 | CHRDZ0003 | goods | 43211507-DCT-03 | memory stick | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 50 | 08-Sep-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 30 | ok | No |
712938 | CHRDZ0003 | goods | 43211507-DCT-03 | moderms | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Jul-2025 | 15-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 50 | 08-Sep-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 5 | ok | No |
712939 | CHRDZ0004 | goods | 50180000 | Groceries and Provisions | Catering | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jan-2025 | 16-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 25-Feb-2025 | 60 | 02-Mar-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | framework agreement | No |
712940 | CHRDZ0005 | non cunsultancy services | 24113104 | Srvicing of catering equipment | Catering | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Feb-2025 | 17-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 7 | 01-Mar-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | 210L | 1 | ok | No |
712941 | CHRDZ0006 | goods | 42150000 | dental Consumables | adminstration | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Jul-2025 | 23-Jul-2025 | 29-Jul-2025 | 29-Jul-2025 | 6 | 05-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | ok | No |
712942 | CHRDZ0007 | non consultancy services | 42281527 | servicing of analogue x-ray machine | xray | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2024 | 08-Oct-2025 | 15-Oct-2025 | 15-Oct-2025 | 6 | 22-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712943 | CHRDZ0008 | goods | 47130000 | Cleaning chemicals | adminstration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jan-2025 | 21-Jan-2025 | 28-Jan-2025 | 28-Jan-2025 | 7 | 04-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | ok | No |
712944 | CHRDZ0009 | goods | 46181509 | PPE | adminstration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Aug-2025 | 21-Aug-2025 | 26-Aug-2025 | 26-Aug-2025 | 7 | 28-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | 0k | No |
712945 | CHRDZ0010 | goods | 49121601 | Office Furniture | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Feb-2025 | 10-Mar-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 01-Apr-2025 | 50 | 07-Apr-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | domestic tender | No |
712946 | CHRDZ0011 | goods | 40101701 | Hoover | adminstration | Request for Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Jun-2025 | 17-Jun-2025 | 25-Jun-2025 | 25-Jun-2025 | 7 | 01-Jun-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712947 | CHRDZ0012 | goods | 40101701 | Vacuum cleaner | adminstration | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Mar-2025 | 12-Mar-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 17-Mar-2025 | 6 | 24-Mar-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712948 | CHRDZ0013 | goods | 40101701 | Air conditioner | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Aug-2025 | 02-Sep-2025 | 24-Sep-2025 | 09-Oct-2025 | 50 | 30-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 15 | domestic tender | No |
712949 | CHRDZ0014 | goods | 40101701 | Heater 2 bar | adminstration | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-May-2025 | 09-May-2025 | 16-May-2025 | 16-May-2025 | 7 | 23-May-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 45 | ok | No |
712950 | CHRDZ0015 | goods | 40101701 | Wall clock | adminstration | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Apr-2025 | 09-Apr-2025 | 16-Apr-2025 | 16-Apr-2025 | 7 | 23-Apr-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 30 | ok | No |
712951 | CHRDZ0016 | goods | 40101701 | Fuels | Transport | Restricted bidding method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Mar-2025 | 05-Apr-2025 | 21-Apr-2025 | 04-May-2025 | 62 | 10-May-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Litre | 30000 | government directive | No |
712952 | CHRDZ0017 | goods | 40101701 | Greease | Transport | request for quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Oct-2025 | 08-Oct-2025 | 15-Oct-2025 | 15-Oct-2025 | 7 | 22-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | 1 kg | 5 | ok | No |
712953 | CHRDZ0018 | goods | 40101701 | Tyres and batteries | Transport | Request for Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 22-Jul-2025 | 01-Aug-2025 | 08-Aug-2025 | 08-Aug-2025 | 6 | 15-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 16 | ok | No |
712954 | CHRDZ0019 | non consultancy services | 25100000 | vehicle servicing and maintanence | Transport | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 11-Mar-2025 | 20-Mar-2025 | 29-Mar-2025 | 29-Mar-2025 | 7 | 05-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712955 | CHRDZ0020 | non consultancy services | 25100000 | Panel beating & upholotering of vehicles | Transport | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Sep-2025 | 11-Sep-2025 | 18-Sep-2025 | 18-Sep-2025 | 6 | 25-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712956 | CHRDZ0021 | non consultancy services | 95121605 | Servicing of generators | adminstration | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Apr-2025 | 21-Apr-2025 | 27-Apr-2025 | 27-Apr-2025 | 7 | 08-May-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 2 | ok | No |
712957 | CHRDZ0022 | non consultancy services | 95121605 | Servicing of incinerator | adminstration | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 19-Jul-2025 | 26-Jul-2025 | 06-Aug-2025 | 06-Aug-2025 | 6 | 13-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712958 | CHRDZ0023 | non consultancy services | 95121605 | Servicing of autoclave machine | adminstration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Apr-2025 | 11-Apr-2025 | 18-Apr-2025 | 25-Apr-2025 | 6 | 03-Apr-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 2 | ok | No |
712959 | CHRDZ0024 | non consultancy services | 95121605 | Servicing of mortuary | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-May-2025 | 03-Jun-2025 | 23-Jun-2025 | 23-Jun-2025 | 50 | 30-Jun-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 10 | domestic tender | No |
712960 | CHRDZ0025 | goods | 12141904 | Medical oxygen | Pharmacy | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Feb-2025 | 10-Feb-2025 | 17-Feb-2025 | 17-Feb-2025 | 7 | 24-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | sole supplier recommended by government | No |
712961 | CHRDZ0026 | goods | 12141904 | Nitrous | Pharmacy | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Sep-2025 | 09-Sep-2025 | 16-Sep-2025 | 16-Sep-2025 | 7 | 23-Sep-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | kg | 5 | ok | No |
712962 | CHRDZ0027 | goods | 51272503 | Drugs and Medicines | Pharmacy | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Jan-2025 | 25-Jan-2025 | 01-Feb-2025 | 01-Feb-2025 | 7 | 08-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | govt directve | No |
712963 | CHRDZ0028 | goods | 42290000 | Surgical and sundries | Pharmacy | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 18-Jan-2025 | 25-Jan-2025 | 01-Feb-2025 | 01-Feb-2025 | 7 | 08-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | govt directive | No |
712964 | CHRDZ0029 | goods | 47131600 | Mops and Brooms | adminstration | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 22-Jan-2025 | 29-Jan-2025 | 06-Mar-2025 | 06-Mar-2025 | 6 | 12-Mar-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | ok | No |
712965 | CHRDZ0030 | goods | 14121900 | Stationery | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Mar-2025 | 23-Apr-2025 | 08-May-2025 | 08-May-2025 | 60 | 22-May-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | framework agreement | No |
712966 | CHRDZ0031 | goods | 14111804 | Firewood | adminstration | Request for Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Feb-2025 | 09-Feb-2025 | 16-Feb-2025 | 16-Feb-2025 | 6 | 23-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | ok | No |
712967 | CHRDZ0032 | goods | 41115100 | Coal | adminstration | Request for Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Feb-2025 | 09-Feb-2025 | 16-Feb-2025 | 16-Feb-2025 | 7 | 23-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | ok | No |
712968 | CHRDZ0033 | goods | 14111804 | Landline handset | adminstration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Sep-2025 | 17-Sep-2025 | 24-Sep-2025 | 24-Sep-2025 | 7 | 01-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | ok | No |
712969 | CHRDZ0034 | non consutancy services | 43222606 | Inetnet service | adminstration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Feb-2025 | 11-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 18-Feb-2025 | 7 | 25-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 12 | ok | No |
712970 | CHRDZ0033 | goods | 83111500 | New landline | adminstration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Oct-2025 | 15-Oct-2025 | 22-Oct-2025 | 22-Oct-2025 | 7 | 29-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | each | 4 | ok | No |
712971 | CHRDZ0035 | goods | 83111500 | Postage stamp | adminstration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Feb-2025 | 13-Feb-2025 | 21-Feb-2025 | 21-Feb-2025 | 6 | 28-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | EACH | 3000 | ok | No |
712972 | CHRDZ0036 | goods | 83111500 | Airtime | adminstration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Mar-2025 | 09-Mar-2023 | 16-Mar-2025 | 23-Mar-2025 | 6 | 30-Mar-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | ok | No |
712973 | CHRDZ0037 | goods | 83111500 | Cleaning equipment | adminstration | Request for quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-May-2025 | 11-May-2025 | 18-May-2025 | 18-May-2025 | 6 | 25-May-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | varous | 1 | ok | No |
712974 | CHRDZ0038 | goods | 47121806 | Hospital Equipment | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Aug-2025 | 15-Sep-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 50 | 30-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | Dometsic tender | No |
712975 | CHRDZ0039 | goods | 53102700 | Uniform and ceremonials | adminstration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Aug-2025 | 14-Aug-2025 | 21-Aug-2025 | 21-Aug-2025 | 6 | 28-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | varous | 1 | ok | No |
712976 | CHRDZ0040 | goods | 53102700 | Linen | adminstration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Jun-2025 | 14-Jun-2025 | 21-Jun-2025 | 21-Jun-2025 | 7 | 28-Aug-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | ok | No |
712977 | CHRDZ0041 | goods | 41101500 | NEW GENERATOR | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Jul-2025 | 10-Aug-2025 | 30-Aug-2025 | 26-Aug-2025 | 50 | 13-Sep-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | domestic tender | No |
712978 | CHRDZ0042 | non consultancy services | 41101500 | SERVICE OF BIOSAFETY | laboratory | Request for quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Sep-2025 | 17-Sep-2025 | 25-Sep-2025 | 25-Sep-2025 | 6 | 03-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712979 | CHRDZ0043 | goods | 41101500 | NEW BOISAFETY CABINET | laboratory | Request for Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Dec-2025 | 09-Dec-2025 | 16-Dec-2025 | 16-Dec-2025 | 6 | 23-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712980 | CHRDZ0044 | goods | 41101500 | FIRE BLANKET | laboratory | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Dec-2025 | 09-Dec-2025 | 16-Dec-2025 | 16-Dec-2025 | 6 | 23-Dec-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Each | 1 | ok | No |
712981 | CHRDZ0045 | Non Complex works | 81101513 | maintenance of pysical infrustructure | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Jul-2025 | 12-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 28-Aug-2025 | 60 | 28-Oct-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | domestic tender | No |
712982 | CHRDZ0046 | Goods | 95141708 | curtlery | Central Admin | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Oct-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 16-Oct-2025 | 16-Oct-2025 | 7 | 31-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 1 | ok | No |
712983 | CHRDZ0047 | Goods | 52131501 | sunblock curtains | administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Oct-2025 | 10-Oct-2025 | 16-Oct-2025 | 16-Oct-2025 | 7 | 21-Oct-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Metres | 1 | ok | No |
712984 | CHRDZ0048 | Non complex works | 30111600 | Construction of admin block | adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Jun-2025 | 07-Jul-2025 | 30-Jul-2025 | 30-Jul-2025 | 62 | 14-Aug-2025 | Y | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | domestic tender | No |
712985 | CHRDZ0049 | Goods | 50200000 | Refreshments | admin | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Feb-2025 | 17-Feb-2024 | 24-Feb-2025 | 24-Feb-2025 | 6 | 03-Mar-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | Various | 1 | framework agreement | No |
712986 | CHRDZ0050 | Non consultancy services | 31160000 | Advertising of Tenders | administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Feb-2025 | 07-Feb-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 14-Feb-2025 | 7 | 21-Feb-2025 | N | Regular Agency Fund | various | 1 | using Herald and government gazzette | No |