368030 | GRDCOO02 | Goods | 30171900 | Window frames | Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 25-Jun-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 51 | 29-Aug-2024 | N | Devolution Funds | Number | 30 | Domestic Bid | No |
368031 | GRDC0002 | Goods | 31170000 | Bearings and Bushings and wheels and gears | Roads and Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 06-Mar-2024 | 11-Mar-2024 | 3 | 14-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | Ok | No |
368032 | GRDC0002 | Goods | 31160000 | Hardware | Roads Administration Planning | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 26-Jun-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 51 | 29-Aug-2024 | N | Devolution Funds | Number | 15 | Domestic bid | No |
368033 | GRDC0002 | Goods | 39000000 | Electrical systems and Lighting and components and accessories and supplies | Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 26-Jun-2024 | 02-Aug-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 51 | 29-Aug-2024 | N | Devolution Funds | Number | 10 | Domestic bid | No |
368034 | GRDC0070 | Goods | 15000000 | Fuels and fuel additives and lubricants and anti corrosive materials | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Jan-2024 | 12-Jan-2024 | 17-Jan-2024 | 23-Jan-2024 | 11 | 12-Feb-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Kgs | 2000 | ok | No |
368035 | GRDC0004 | Goods | 15100000 | Fuels | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-Jan-2024 | 24-Jan-2024 | 27-Mar-2024 | 11-Apr-2024 | 60 | 23-Apr-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | litres | 78000 | Framework agreement Procured as funds permit | No |
368036 | GRDC0005 | Goods | 43211508 | Personal computer | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-May-2024 | 05-Jun-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 06-Aug-2024 | 51 | 21-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 18 | Domestic bid | No |
368037 | GRDC0005 | Goods | 43211507 | Desktop Computer | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-May-2024 | 05-Jun-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 06-Aug-2024 | 51 | 21-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 2 | Domestic bid | No |
368038 | GRDC0005 | Goods | 43212110 | Multifunction printer | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-May-2024 | 05-Jun-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 06-Aug-2024 | 51 | 21-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5 | Domestic bid | No |
368039 | GRDC0006 | Goods | 56101703 | Desk for office use | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 31-Jul-2024 | 10-Sep-2024 | 02-Oct-2024 | 51 | 12-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 16 | Domestic bid | No |
368040 | GRDC0006 | Goods | 56101504 | Chairs for office use | Finance | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 31-Jul-2024 | 10-Sep-2024 | 02-Oct-2024 | 51 | 12-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 2 | Domestic bid | No |
368041 | GRDC0007 | Goods | 25100000 | Motor vehicle | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Sep-2024 | 08-Oct-2024 | 19-Nov-2024 | 10-Dec-2024 | 51 | 19-Dec-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 3 | Domestic bid | No |
368042 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 47121603 | Floor polishers | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Litres | 200 | 0k | No |
368043 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 47131604 | Hardbroom | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 260 | Ok | No |
368044 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 30181601 | Soap Dish | Administration and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Litres | 120 | 0k | No |
368045 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 52121703 | wash cloth | Administration and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | kgs | 40 | 0k | No |
368046 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 47131618 | Wet mops | Administration and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 40 | 0k | No |
368047 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 47131604 | Brooms | Administration and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 120 | ok | No |
368048 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 47131829 | Toilet cleaner | Administration and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Litres | 240 | ok | No |
368049 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 47131811-DE-P02 | Detergent powder, all purpose,1kg | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Kgs | 40 | 0k | No |
368050 | GRDC0008 | Goods | 47131824 | Glass or window cleaners | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 25-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 40 | ok | No |
368051 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44112006 | Diaries or refills | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 63 | ok | No |
368052 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44121704 | Ball point pens | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 2000 | ok | No |
368053 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Office supplies | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 223 | ok | No |
368054 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44122036 | Box file | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 284 | 0k | No |
368055 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 55121800 | Identification Documents | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 40 | ok | No |
368056 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 56121805 | Flat files | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1160 | 0k | No |
368057 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44121708-MP-B02 | Marker,Permanent, bullet type,blue | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 200 | ok | No |
368058 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 27112401 | staple Guns | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 84 | ok | No |
368059 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44103103-CA-B00 | Tonner Cartridge, Canon 324 II, for Printer LBP6780X | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 8 | ok | No |
368060 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44103103-HP-B53 | TONER CART, HP CF226A (HP26A) Black LaserJet | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5 | ok | No |
368061 | GRDC0011 | Goods | 23301500 | Male uniforms | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-May-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 22-May-2024 | 11 | 30-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | ok | No |
368062 | GRDC0011 | Goods | 23241700 | Female Uniforms | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-May-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 22-May-2024 | 11 | 30-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 15 | ok | No |
368063 | GRDC0072 | Goods | 56101504 | Chairs for Council boardroom | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 31-Jul-2024 | 09-Sep-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 51 | 08-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 60 | Domestic bid | No |
368064 | GRDC0072 | Goods | 56101519 | Table for Council boardroom | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 31-Jul-2024 | 09-Sep-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 51 | 08-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic bid | No |
368065 | GRDC0063 | Goods | 44121600 | Desk suplies | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 09-Jul-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 18-Jul-2024 | 11 | 23-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 16 | ok | No |
368066 | GRDC0072 | Goods | 56101502 | Office sofa | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 31-Jul-2024 | 09-Sep-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 51 | 08-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic bid | No |
368067 | GRDC0014 | Goods | 43191501 | Mobile phones | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jul-2024 | 16-Sep-2024 | 05-Oct-2024 | 26-Oct-2024 | 51 | 07-Nov-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 45 | ok | No |
368068 | GRDC0015 | Goods | 24102004 | Storage racks or shelves | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Jun-2024 | 02-Jul-2024 | 04-Jul-2024 | 10-Jul-2024 | 11 | 24-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | ok | No |
368069 | GRDC0016 | Goods | 52121508 | Blanket | Social service | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jun-2024 | 04-Jul-2024 | 07-Jul-2024 | 10-Jul-2024 | 11 | 24-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 60 | ok | No |
368070 | GRDC0016 | Goods | 52131501 | Curtains | Social service | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jun-2024 | 04-Jul-2024 | 07-Jul-2024 | 10-Jul-2024 | 11 | 24-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | ok | No |
368071 | GRDC0016 | Goods | 52121513 | Bedspreads | Social service | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jun-2024 | 04-Jul-2024 | 07-Jul-2024 | 10-Jul-2024 | 11 | 24-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 30 | ok | No |
368072 | GRDC0016 | Goods | 42132105 | Hospital bedsheets | Social service | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jun-2024 | 04-Jul-2024 | 07-Jul-2024 | 10-Jul-2024 | 11 | 24-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 30 | ok | No |
368073 | GRCC0016 | Goods | 52121505 | Pillows | Social service | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jun-2024 | 04-Jul-2024 | 07-Jul-2024 | 10-Jul-2024 | 11 | 24-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | Ok | No |
368074 | GRDC0061 | Goods | 56101515 | Beds | Social service | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 08-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 17-Jul-2024 | 11 | 29-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | Ok | No |
368075 | GRDC0061 | Goods | 42181800 | Pulse oximetres | Social service | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 08-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 17-Jul-2024 | 11 | 29-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 30 | ok | No |
368076 | GRDC0062 | Goods | 41114207 | Total Station | Planning and Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Mar-2024 | 29-Mar-2024 | 10-May-2024 | 30-May-2024 | 51 | 11-Jun-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 2 | ok | No |
368077 | GRDC0071 | Goods | 44111807 | Scales | Social service | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 08-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 17-Jul-2024 | 11 | 26-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 13 | ok | No |
368078 | GRDC0071 | Goods | 27111801 | Tape measure | Planning and Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 08-Jul-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 17-Jul-2024 | 11 | 26-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | ok | No |
368079 | GRDC0018 | Goods | 15101700 | Fuel oils | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Feb-2024 | 29-Feb-2024 | 06-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 11 | 19-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | litres | 500 | Ok | No |
368080 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 46181504 | Protective gloves | Roads and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 45 | ok | No |
368081 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 46181605 | Safety shoes | Environment planning and Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 88 | Ok | No |
368082 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 53101900 | Suits | Environment planning and Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | ok | No |
368083 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 27112008 | Hoes | Roads and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 35 | ok | No |
368084 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 27111605 | Picks | Roads and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 25 | Ok | No |
368085 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 27112004 | Shovel | Roads and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 35 | Ok | No |
368086 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 27112002 | Spades | Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 30 | ok | No |
368087 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 24101507 | Wheelbarrows | Roads and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | Ok | No |
368088 | GRDC0021 | Goods | 76121700 | Liquid waste treatment | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 15-Feb-2024 | 23-Feb-2024 | 29-Feb-2024 | 04-Mar-2024 | 11 | 23-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | litres | 800 | ok | No |
368089 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 27112005 | Axes | Roads and Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | ok | No |
368090 | GRDC0062 | Goods | 27112014 | Lawnmowers | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 20-Mar-2024 | 25-Mar-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5 | ok | No |
368091 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 22101511 | Compactors | Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5 | ok | No |
368092 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 27112003 | Racks | Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 30 | ok | No |
368093 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Bondpaper A3 Ream | Roads and Planning | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 4 | ok | No |
368094 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Scientific Calculator | Roads and Planning | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 3 | ok | No |
368095 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Invoice Books | Finance | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 8 | ok | No |
368096 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Stores Requisation | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 8 | ok | No |
368097 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Ticket Books | Environment and planning | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 3 | ok | No |
368098 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Counter Books | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | ok | No |
368099 | GRDC0025 | Goods | 24110000 | Containers and Storage | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 03-Jun-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | 13-Jun-2024 | 11 | 20-Jun-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | ok | No |
368100 | GRDC0023 | Goods | 31151500 | Ropes | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-May-2024 | 14-May-2024 | 20-May-2024 | 23-May-2024 | 11 | 28-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Meters | 500 | ok | No |
368101 | GRDC0022 | Goods | 21101506 | Graders or Land Leverlers | Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 09-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | 60 | 06-Aug-2024 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic bid | No |
368102 | GRDC0022 | Goods | 22101501 | Front and Loader Heavy Duty | Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 09-May-2024 | 05-Jul-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | 60 | 06-Aug-2024 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic bid | No |
368103 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Goods Issue Voucher Book | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | ok | No |
368104 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Stock Card | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1000 | ok | No |
368105 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Purchase Order Books | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | ok | No |
368106 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 44120000 | Goods Received Register | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 26-Apr-2024 | 07-May-2024 | 11 | 14-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | ok | No |
368107 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 27110000 | Hand Tools | Environment and Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 40 | ok | No |
368108 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 53111500 | Boots | Environment and Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 40 | ok | No |
368109 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 46181504 | Gloves | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | ok | No |
368110 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 46181545 | Waterproof | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | ok | No |
368111 | GRDC0011 | Goods | 53101602 | Mens Shirts | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-May-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 22-May-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | ok | No |
368112 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 53102100 | Overals and Coverals | Environment and Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-May-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | ok | No |
368113 | GRDC0020 | Goods | 41111616 | Measuring Wheel for Distance | Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 12-Apr-2024 | 22-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 2 | ok | No |
368114 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 42132203 | Medical Exam or Non Surgical Gloves | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 30 | ok | No |
368115 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 49141505 | Facemasks | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | ok | No |
368116 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 46182002 | Respirators | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | ok | No |
368117 | GRDC0064 | Goods | 10171700 | Herbicides | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Nov-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 12-Nov-2024 | 15-Nov-2024 | 11 | 25-Nov-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Litres | 10 | ok | No |
368118 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 46181704 | Safety Helmets | Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5 | ok | No |
368119 | GRDC0019 | Goods | 25172906 | Reflectors | Environment planning and Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 05-Apr-2024 | 15-Apr-2024 | 19-Apr-2024 | 24-Apr-2024 | 11 | 30-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | ok | No |
368120 | GRDC0011 | Goods | 53102503 | Hats | Enviroment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 03-May-2024 | 10-May-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 15-May-2024 | 11 | 20-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 50 | ok | No |
368121 | GRDC0023 | Goods | 31150000 | Rope and Chain and Cable and Wire and Strap | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-May-2024 | 09-May-2024 | 14-May-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 11 | 24-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Kgs | 12 | ok | No |
368122 | GRDC0075 | Goods | 31160000 | Hardware for Routine Building Mantainance | Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Aug-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 22-Aug-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 11 | 03-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 6 | ok | No |
368123 | GRDC0065 | Goods | 51204200 | Verterinary Vaccines and Virology Products | Environment | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-May-2024 | 14-May-2024 | 16-May-2024 | 20-May-2024 | 3 | 22-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Litres | 47 | ok | No |
368124 | GRDC0025 | Goods | 60131405 | Drums | Roads | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 31-May-2024 | 03-Jun-2024 | 05-Jun-2024 | 11 | 12-Jun-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Each | 10 | ok | No |
368125 | GRDC0023 | Goods | 27112137 | Pliers | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-May-2024 | 14-May-2024 | 20-May-2024 | 23-May-2024 | 11 | 28-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5 | 0k | No |
368126 | GRDC0026 | Goods | 10121702 | Fish Food Pellets | Environment | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-May-2024 | 09-May-2024 | 10-May-2024 | 14-May-2024 | 3 | 15-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Kgs | 240 | ok | No |
368127 | GRDC0028 | Goods | 50202310 | Spring Mineralwater | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | 03-Apr-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 11 | 11-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Litres | 3000 | ok | No |
368128 | GRDC0028 | Goods | 50202306 | Soft Drink | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | 03-Apr-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 11 | 11-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5000 | ok | No |
368129 | GRDC0028 | Goods | 50181900 | Bread ,Biscuits and cookies | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | 03-Apr-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 11 | 11-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 2000 | Ok | No |
368130 | GRDC0028 | Goods | 50182000 | Cakes and pies | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | 03-Apr-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 11 | 11-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 100 | Ok Procured as when funds permit | No |
368131 | GRDC0028 | Goods | 50192100 | Snack foods | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | 03-Apr-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 11 | 11-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 400 | Ok Procured as when required | No |
368132 | GRDC0028 | Goods | 50202400 | Fresh Citrus Juice | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 20-Mar-2024 | 28-Mar-2024 | 03-Apr-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 11 | 11-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Numbet | 100 | Ok Procured as when required | No |
368133 | GRDC0031 | Goods | 26111600 | Power Generator | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jul-2024 | 05-Aug-2024 | 09-Aug-2024 | 14-Aug-2024 | 11 | 23-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Ok | No |
368134 | GRDC0032 | Goods | 25172503 | Heavy Truck Tires | Adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 06-Aug-2024 | 23-Aug-2024 | 51 | 03-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 15 | Domestic bid Procured as when required | No |
368135 | GRDC0032 | Goods | 25172500 | Tires and Tire Tubes | Adminstration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 06-Aug-2024 | 23-Aug-2024 | 51 | 03-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | Domestic bid | No |
368136 | GRDC0074 | Goods | 26111700 | Batteries and Cells and Accessories | Adminstration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 03-Jun-2024 | 07-Jun-2024 | 12-Jun-2024 | 11 | 18-Jun-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | Domestic bid Procured as when required | No |
368137 | GRDC0033 | Goods | 55101500 | Printed Publications with Government Gazette | Adminstration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 11-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 11 | 22-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 15 | ok As statutorily required | No |
368138 | GRDC0034 | Non consultancy services | 86132102 | Training Planning and Development Consultancy services | Finance and Adminstration and Procurement | Request For Proposal | 30-May-2024 | 19-Jun-2024 | 24-Jul-2024 | 29-Aug-2024 | 23-Oct-2024 | 11-Nov-2024 | 66 | 29-Nov-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 8 | As when funds permit and need arise | No |
368139 | GRDC0035 | Consultancy service | 82101504 | Newspaper Advertising as statutory requirement | All Departments | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 04-Mar-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 13-Mar-2024 | 15-Mar-2024 | 8 | 20-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | ok As statutorily required | No |
368140 | GRDC0036 | Non consultancy services | 78101808 | Road transport of dry bulk | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Feb-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 20-Mar-2024 | 11 | 28-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | ok | No |
368141 | GRDC0037 | Non consultancy services | 78101604 | Vehicle transport service | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Feb-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 14-Mar-2024 | 20-Mar-2024 | 11 | 28-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | kms | 6800 | ok | No |
368142 | GRDC0038 | Non consultancy services | 90111601 | Conference centres | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Mar-2024 | 11-Mar-2024 | 15-Mar-2024 | 21-Mar-2024 | 11 | 28-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 4 | ok | No |
368143 | GRDC0067 | Non consultancy services | 90111501 | Hotels | All Departments | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Feb-2024 | 06-Feb-2024 | 08-Feb-2024 | 12-Feb-2024 | 11 | 15-Feb-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | Ok as when required | No |
368144 | GRDC0039 | Non consultancy services | 84131501 | Building or Building contents insurance | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Mar-2024 | 29-Mar-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 30-May-2024 | 51 | 10-Jun-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5 | Domestic Bid | No |
368145 | GRDC0068 | Non consultancy services | 84131503 | Car or Truck insurance | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Mar-2024 | 29-Mar-2024 | 13-May-2024 | 30-May-2024 | 51 | 10-Jun-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 4 | Domestic | No |
368146 | GRDC0040 | Non consultancy services | 78181500 | Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Service | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Feb-2024 | 29-Mar-2024 | 24-May-2024 | 13-Jun-2024 | 60 | 24-Jun-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 30 | Framework agreement | No |
368147 | GRDC0041 | Non consultancy services | 72154500 | Heavy equipment installation and mainatnance service | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 08-Mar-2024 | 08-Apr-2024 | 31-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 60 | 02-Jul-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 28 | Frameworkagreement | No |
368148 | GRDC0042 | Works | 72101500 | Building maintanance and repair service | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Jun-2024 | 04-Jul-2024 | 10-Jul-2024 | 15-Jul-2024 | 11 | 30-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 5 | Domestic Bid | No |
368149 | GRDC0043 | Works | 43220000 | Data voice or multimedia network equipment or plartforms and accessories | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-Jun-2024 | 24-Jul-2024 | 06-Sep-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 51 | 09-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic Bid | No |
368150 | GRDC0045 | Non consultancy services | 70131701 | Land use planning | Planning | Request For Proposal | 05-Apr-2024 | 25-Apr-2024 | 30-May-2024 | 20-Jun-2024 | 29-Aug-2024 | 18-Sep-2024 | 65 | 31-Oct-2024 | Y | Devolution Funds | Number | 1 | MLGPW Providing Service through UDCORP | No |
368151 | GRDC0074 | Consultancy service | 81151604 | Land Surveying | Planning | Request For Proposal | 24-May-2024 | 17-Jun-2024 | 22-Jul-2024 | 12-Aug-2024 | 19-Oct-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 65 | 22-Nov-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Hectares | 800 | Domestic a swhen funds permit Non-Title survey Mudhindo Business Centre | No |
368152 | GRDC0074 | Consultancy service | 81151604 | Land surveying | Planning | Request For Proposal | 24-May-2024 | 17-Jun-2024 | 22-Jun-2024 | 12-Aug-2024 | 19-Oct-2024 | 08-Nov-2024 | 65 | 22-Nov-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Hectares | 750 | Domestic as when funds permit Non-Title survey Guruve Growth point | No |
368153 | GRDC0046 | Consultancy service | 81151604 | Land surveying | Planning | Request For Proposal | 03-Jun-2024 | 24-Jun-2024 | 29-Jul-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 26-Oct-2024 | 18-Nov-2024 | 65 | 06-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Hectares | 100 | Domestic as when funds permit Topographic survey Ruyamuro Bus Centre | No |
368154 | GRDC0046 | Consultancy service | 81151604 | Land surveying | Planning | Request For Proposal | 03-Jun-2024 | 24-Jun-2024 | 29-Jul-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 26-Oct-2024 | 18-Nov-2024 | 65 | 06-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Hectares | 200 | Domestic as when funds permit Topographic survey Guruve Growth point | No |
368155 | GRDC0047 | Non consultancy services | 73151900 | Industrial printing services | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Feb-2024 | 08-Mar-2024 | 15-Mar-2024 | 21-Mar-2024 | 11 | 26-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 100 | Ok | No |
368156 | GRDC0069 | Works | 72141003 | Highway and Road maiantanance service | Roads | Competitive bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 28-Jun-2024 | 26-Jul-2024 | 09-Sep-2024 | 23-Sep-2024 | 51 | 02-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Kms | 50 | Domestic bid Non-Complex works | No |
368157 | GRDC0048 | Non consultancy services | 81112501 | Computer software licensing service | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 23-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 12-Mar-2024 | 18-Mar-2024 | 13 | 28-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Ok | No |
368158 | GRDC0049 | Non consultancy services | 80131802 | Real eastate apppraisal and Evaluation service | Administration | Request For Proposal | 28-Jun-2024 | 19-Jul-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 17-Sep-2024 | 26-Nov-2024 | 16-Dec-2024 | 65 | 22-Dec-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Domestic bid | No |
368159 | GRDC0051 | Works | 72121406 | School building classroom block construction | Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-May-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 05-Aug-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 51 | 28-Aug-2024 | N | Devolution Funds | Number | 2 | Non complex works | No |
368160 | GRDC0052 | Works | 72121105 | Shopping centre and Mall construction services | Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 26-Apr-2024 | 28-May-2024 | 05-Nov-2024 | 25-Nov-2024 | 51 | 04-Dec-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Non complex works | No |
368161 | GRDC0053 | Non consultancy services | 80111509 | Job evaluation service | Administration | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Aug-2024 | 22-Aug-2024 | 27-Aug-2024 | 30-Aug-2024 | 11 | 10-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Ok | No |
368162 | GRDC0054 | works | 83101500 | Water and sewer utilities | Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 17-May-2024 | 17-Jun-2024 | 29-Jul-2024 | 16-Aug-2024 | 51 | 27-Aug-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 3 | Non complext works | No |
368163 | GRDC0055 | Non consultancy services | 72141502 | Land preconstruction assesment services | Planning | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 07-Jun-2024 | 18-Jun-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 02-Jul-2024 | 11 | 15-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Ok | No |
368164 | GRDC0056 | Goods | 26101201 | Foods | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Feb-2024 | 19-Mar-2024 | 29-Apr-2024 | 17-May-2024 | 51 | 28-May-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 12 | Domestic Bid | No |
368165 | GRDC0057 | Non consultancy services | 43232604 | Computer aided design CAD software | Planning | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 01-Mar-2024 | 12-Mar-2024 | 17-Mar-2024 | 22-Mar-2024 | 11 | 03-Apr-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Ok | No |
368166 | GRDC0058 | Goods | 25101800 | Motorised cycles | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Jul-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 08-Oct-2024 | 22-Oct-2024 | 51 | 31-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 35 | Ok | No |
368167 | GRDC0001 | Goods | 24112000 | Bins and baskets | All Departments | Request For Quotation Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Jan-2024 | 09-Jan-2024 | 16-Jan-2024 | 19-Jan-2024 | 11 | 31-Jan-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1000 | ok | No |
452954 | GRDC0028 | Goods | 26101201 | Foods | Adminstration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Jun-2024 | 21-Jun-2024 | 26-Jun-2024 | 02-Jul-2024 | 11 | 05-Jun-2024 | N | Regular Agency Fund | each | 1 | As when required | Yes |
455957 | GRDC0002 | GOODS | 31160000 | HARDWARE | Roads | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jun-2024 | 17-Jul-2024 | 23-Aug-2024 | 09-Sep-2024 | 51 | 18-Sep-2024 | N | Devolution Funds | each | 1 | Domestic Bid ( Procured as when funds are availabe) | Yes |
459402 | GRDC0046 | CONSULTANCY SERVICES | 81151604 | Topographic Survey Guruve Growth Point and Ruyamuro Business Centre | Planning Department | Request for Proposal | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 21-Jun-2024 | 22-Jul-2024 | 15-Aug-2024 | 06-Sep-2024 | 39 | 27-Sep-2024 | N | Regular Agency Fund | each | 1 | Domestic Bid | Yes |
511030 | GRDC0016 | GOODS | 42132105 | Hospital bedsheets | Social services | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 02-Aug-2024 | 14-Aug-2024 | 23-Aug-2024 | 27-Aug-2024 | 14 | 09-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | each | 250 | Consolidated hospital Linen | Yes |
515944 | GRDC0075 | Non Complex works | 39111608 | Residential street lights | Civil works | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 09-Aug-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 30-Aug-2024 | 11 | 17-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | each | 14 | Solar Strregt lights | Yes |
527626 | GRDC0075 | Works non complex | 39111608 | residential street lights | civil works | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 30-Aug-2024 | 09-Sep-2024 | 16-Sep-2024 | 23-Sep-2024 | 11 | 09-Oct-2024 | N | Regular Agency Fund | each | 14 | solar residential street lights | Yes |
528844 | GRDC0079 | Non conultancy services | 81112306 | Printer scanner and multifunctional equipment maintenance | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 10-Sep-2024 | 19-Sep-2024 | 25-Sep-2024 | 27-Sep-2024 | 11 | 04-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | each | 4 | Procured as when require d | Yes |
545042 | GRDC0076 | Non consultancy services | 25174000 | Panel beating | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 31-Oct-2024 | 14-Nov-2024 | 19-Nov-2024 | 22-Nov-2024 | 11 | 12-Dec-2024 | N | Regular Agency Fund | each | 1 | Council need to adress unavailability of vehicle as it currently has no running vehicle | Yes |
545044 | GRDC0077 | Non complex works | 25174000 | borehole drilling/ well drilling | Social services | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 31-Oct-2024 | 11-Nov-2024 | 14-Nov-2024 | 18-Nov-2024 | 11 | 22-Nov-2024 | N | Regular Agency Fund | each | 2 | Ruyamuro Business centre and Camsasa Clinic boreholes have run dry | Yes |
560358 | GRDC0080 | GOODS | 30130000 | CEMENT AND REINFORCEMENTS | CIVIL WORKS | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Dec-2024 | 20-Dec-2024 | 23-Dec-2024 | 27-Dec-2024 | 11 | 31-Dec-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | 600 | 15 | urgent repair of Nyamupfuta Bridge affected by the rains which links the local cinic to the District Hospital | Yes |
560426 | GRD0081 | Non consultancy services | 72151203 | Solar System Maintainance | Administration | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Dec-2024 | 23-Dec-2024 | 26-Dec-2024 | 27-Dec-2024 | 7 | 30-Dec-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 1 | Need Immideate attention due to load sheding council is without power during working Hours and workflow is being disrupted | Yes |
571229 | GRDC0082 | Non Consultancy services | 86132102 | Installation mplementation and reporting of Programme based budgeting Modules services | Finance | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 24-Dec-2024 | 30-Dec-2024 | 02-Jan-2025 | 06-Jan-2025 | 3 | 15-Jan-2025 | N | Internally Generated Funds | each | 1 | Need to be IPSAS and Programme based budgeting compliant to Governement hence hence need to be implemented at the beginning of year 2025 therefore using other procurment methods council will not be able to compliant as required | Yes |
456334 | GRDC0073 | Goods | 31170000 | Bearings and Bushings and wheels and gears | Roads and Administration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 29-Feb-2024 | 05-Mar-2024 | 06-Mar-2024 | 11-Mar-2024 | 3 | 14-Mar-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 10 | Domestic bid | Yes |
455848 | GRDC0004 | Goods | 15100000 | Fuels | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jun-2024 | 12-Jul-2024 | 11-Sep-2024 | 19-Sep-2024 | 60 | 27-Sep-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | litres | 78000 | DOMESTIC BID | Yes |
528853 | GRDC0007 | Goods | 25100000 | Motor vehicle Used | All Departments | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 16-Sep-2024 | 25-Sep-2024 | 15-Oct-2024 | 16-Oct-2024 | 20 | 25-Oct-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 3 | Exemption authority for shorter bidding period granted 28/08/24 | Yes |
456063 | GRDC0009 | Goods | 14111509 | Stationery | All Departments | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 13-Jun-2024 | 24-Jun-2024 | 28-Jun-2024 | 03-Jul-2024 | 11 | 12-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | each | 1 | Domestic Bid ( Procured as when funds permit) | Yes |
527627 | GRDC0076 | Goods | 31160000 | Hardware for Routine Building Mantainance | Roads | Request For Quotation method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 06-Aug-2024 | 19-Aug-2024 | 22-Aug-2024 | 26-Aug-2024 | 11 | 03-Sep-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 6 | reference was simillar to works | Yes |
456088 | GRDC0033 | Goods | 55101500 | Printed Publications with Government Gazette | Adminstration | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jun-2024 | 19-Jun-2024 | 24-Jun-2024 | 27-Jun-2024 | 11 | 09-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 15 | Domestic Bid | Yes |
456333 | GRDC0035 | Consultancy service | 82101504 | Newspaper Advertising as statutory requirement | All Departments | Direct Procurement Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jun-2024 | 19-Jun-2024 | 24-Jun-2024 | 27-Jun-2024 | 8 | 09-Jul-2024 | N | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 20 | Domestic Bid | Yes |
456337 | GRDC0041 | Non consultancy services | 72154500 | Heavy equipment installation and mainatnance service | Administration | Competitive Bidding Method | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | 14-Jun-2024 | 12-Jun-2024 | 11-Sep-2024 | 19-Sep-2024 | 60 | 27-Sep-2024 | Y | Internally Generated Funds | Number | 28 | Domestic Bid | Yes |