Tenders Information
Tender Id | Tender Reference Number | Tender Title | Required Supplier Category Code | Required Supplier Category Name | Procuring Entity | Scope | Publish Date | Closing Date |
6938 | MOHCC-CT-029-2024 | Supply and Erection of fencing at Health Posts | SF001 | Fencing Services | MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND CHILD CARE | Open | 30-Aug-2024 04:00 PM | 14-Mar-2025 10:00 AM |
8615 | MOHCC-CT-028-2024 | Supply, installation and commissioning of Solar system at various Hospital facilities. | GS004 | Solar Panels and Accessories | MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND CHILD CARE | Open | 11-Oct-2024 10:24 AM | 14-Mar-2025 10:00 AM |
9738 | ZETDC/INTER/14/2024 | DESIGN,ENGINEERING, MANUFACTURE, ERECTION, INSTALLATION, TESTING, COMMISSIONING AND SETTING TO WORK OF 50/75 MVA, 132/33/11KV POWER TRANSFORMER AND ASSOCIATED BAY EQUIPMENT FOR GWERU 132KV SUBSTATION | GE001 | Electrical Products: Cables and Materials, Power Back-Up Equipment, Transformers, Standby Generators, Consumables & Accessories | ZIMBABWE ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION COMPANY | Open | 04-Oct-2024 02:00 PM | 06-Mar-2025 10:00 AM |
9817 | ZETDC/INTER/15/2024 | DESIGN,ENGINEERING, MANUFACTURE, ERECTION, INSTALLATION, TESTING, COMMISSIONING AND SETTING TO WORK OF 50/75 MVA, 132/36KV POWER TRANSFORMER AND ASSOCIATED BAY EQUIPMENT FOR BINDURA 330/132KV SUBSTATION | GE001 | Electrical Products: Cables and Materials, Power Back-Up Equipment, Transformers, Standby Generators, Consumables & Accessories | ZIMBABWE ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION COMPANY | Open | 04-Oct-2024 02:00 PM | 06-Mar-2025 10:00 AM |
10628 | ACZ/LOCAL/FA/GDS/08/2024 | Competitive Framework Agreement for the Supply and Delivery of Tools and Hardware | GT002 ,GT001 ,GP002 | Tools and Hardware,Timber and Boards,Paints and Accessories | AIRPORTS COMPANY OF ZIMBABWE | Open | 20-Dec-2024 07:00 PM | 30-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
12417 | ZPC/HO INT 16/2024 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PURGE AIR FANS AND MOTOR SETS AT HWANGE POWER STATION | GN005 ,GE001 | New Plant and Equipment,Electrical Products: Cables and Materials, Power Back-Up Equipment, Transformers, Standby Generators, Consumables & Accessories | ZIMBABWE POWER COMPANY | Open | 04-Nov-2024 12:51 PM | 23-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
12677 | ICT/PWT/32/2024 | Provision of E-Vending and M Commerce solution | SS002 | Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services | POWERTEL COMMUNICATIONS | Open | 08-Nov-2024 03:00 PM | 28-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
12731 | OAG 0051/2024 | REHABILITATION OF BURROUGHS HOUSE | GA008 ,SC006 ,SP002 ,SI003 ,SI002 ,SF002 ,SB004 ,SA001 ,GS002 ,GF002 ,GE001 ,GC005 | Air conditioners and Refrigerators Supply and Installation,Construction and Civil Works (buildings, dams, roads etc.) (New),Partitioning, Shop and Household-fittings,Installation, Repair & Maintenance of Safety, Loss Control & related Access Control Systems (CCTVs, Vehicle Security, Alarms etc.),Installation, Repair & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, Generators, Power Back-Up Equipment & Miscellaneous Electrical Repair Works,Fire Fighting Equipment Maintenance,Building and Roof Repairs & Maintenance Services ,Air Conditioners and Refrigerator Maintenance Services,Security, Surveillance and Detection, Safety and Access Control Products (CCTVs, Vehicle Security, Drones, Alarms etc.) and Accessories,Fire Fighting Equipment,Electrical Products: Cables and Materials, Power Back-Up Equipment, Transformers, Standby Generators, Consumables & Accessories,Communication Radios, Handsets, Cellular Mobile Phones, Facsimile Machines and Accessories | OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL | Open | 08-Nov-2024 10:00 AM | 04-Feb-2025 05:00 PM |
13211 | ZPC/HO INT 19/'2024 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ASH DAM RETURN PIPELINE AND FITTINGS AT HWANGE POWER STATION | GT002 | Tools and Hardware | ZIMBABWE POWER COMPANY | Open | 14-Nov-2024 08:10 PM | 23-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
13286 | ZPC/HO INT 21/2024 | SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF COAL PLANT PLC SYSTEM AT HWANGE POWER STATION | GN005 | New Plant and Equipment | ZIMBABWE POWER COMPANY | Open | 15-Nov-2024 01:28 AM | 24-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
13290 | ZPC/HO INT 20/2024 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF HYDROGEN AND AIR MONITORING EQUIPMENT AT HWANGE POWER STATION | GN005 | New Plant and Equipment | ZIMBABWE POWER COMPANY | Open | 15-Nov-2024 02:54 AM | 21-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
13388 | PZL/DIESEL FUEL LIN/2024 | DOMESTIC COMPETITIVE PROCUREMENT FOR THE SUPPLY, DELIVERY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING OF DIESEL FUEL LINES AT MSASA FOR PETROZIM LINE (PVT) LTD | SM003 | Mechanical and Structural Engineering (incl. steel fabrication, steel roof and coverings, machining, sewage management, dewatering, etc.) | PETROZIM LINE | Open | 20-Nov-2024 10:00 AM | 21-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
14032 | ZNR INT02/2024 | Supply, Delivery and Commissioning of ICT Networking and Security Equipment | GC006 | Computers, Printers, Photocopiers, Networking Equipment and Accessories | ZIMBABWE NATIONAL ROAD ADMINISTRATION | Open | 27-Nov-2024 03:00 PM | 24-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
14165 | ZNR DT 37/2024 | PROCUREMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE COVER SERVICES FOR 2 YEARS | SI006 | Insurance and Brokerage Services | ZIMBABWE NATIONAL ROAD ADMINISTRATION | Open | 14-Jan-2025 10:30 AM | 24-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
14211 | ZNR INT01/2024 | Re-tender for Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Servers | GC006 ,SC005 | Computers, Printers, Photocopiers, Networking Equipment and Accessories,Computers, Printers & Networking Installations and General Office Equipment Maintenance & Repair Services | ZIMBABWE NATIONAL ROAD ADMINISTRATION | Open | 27-Nov-2024 03:00 PM | 24-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
14687 | NSSA 103/2024 | Expression of Interest for the Provision of Town Planning Consultancy Services | TW001 | Town Planning | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY | Open | 06-Dec-2024 08:00 AM | 24-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
14706 | COB/ESD/40A/2024 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF WATER RETICULATION MATERIALS | GT002 ,GS001 ,GP006 ,GM004 | Tools and Hardware,Saddlery and Related Articles & Accessories,PVC, HDPE, LDPE, GRP Pipes and Fittings,Mining Equipment, Consumables and Accessories (castings - mill balls, manhole covers, short collar joints, 3 legged ports etc.) | CITY OF BULAWAYO | Open | 05-Dec-2024 04:00 PM | 21-Jan-2025 12:00 PM |
14794 | NMMZ/081 | SUPPLY AND FIX OF SOLAR SYSTEM IN THE NATIONAL MUSEUMS AND MONUMENTS OF ZIMBABWE | SI002 ,GS004 ,GE001 | Installation, Repair & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, Generators, Power Back-Up Equipment & Miscellaneous Electrical Repair Works,Solar Panels and Accessories,Electrical Products: Cables and Materials, Power Back-Up Equipment, Transformers, Standby Generators, Consumables & Accessories | NATIONAL MUSEUMS AND MONUMENTS OF ZIMBABWE | Open | 06-Dec-2024 02:02 PM | 29-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
14803 | NSSA 104/2024 | SUPPLY, DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION OF A CONVENE AND CONTRACT MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE TO NSSA | SS002 | Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY | Open | 06-Dec-2024 11:00 PM | 24-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
14804 | NSSA OPEX 30/2024-1 | Framework for the Provision of Investments Consultancy Services | SX001 ,SM001 | Capital Raising, Debt Restructuring, Listing and Mergers and Acquisitions Consultancy Services,Management & General Consultancy Services | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY | Open | 06-Dec-2024 04:00 PM | 20-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |