Tender Details




Single Lot

Request for quotation Method

Non Consulting Services

Zimbabwe PPDPA Act Rules

Internally Generated Funds

Msasa Oil Terminal, Lot 7 Ventursburg Farm, Sunway City

Light Motor Vehicle Maintenance

15 Day(s)

06-Jun-2024 03:47 PM


Number 6 Seagrave Road Avondale Harare

Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe EMEA

Attend to vehicle Nissan NP 300 AGH8401 which is not increasing throttle and speed when you travelling.

Project Name:
Attend to vehicle Nissan NP 300 AGH8401 which is not increasing throttle and speed when you travelling.

Attend to vehicle Nissan NP300 AGH8401 which is not increasing throttle and speed when you travelling.

Line Item Details
Item No. UNSPSC Lot Name Lot Description Quantity Unit of Measure
1 78181500 Vehicle maintenance and repair services Attend to vehicle Nissan NP300 AGH8401 which is not increasing throttle and speed when you travelling. 1 Work
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06-Jun-2024 06:30 PM

10-Jun-2024 10:00 AM

11-Jun-2024 04:41 PM




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