Tender Details




Single Lot

Competitive Bidding Method


Zimbabwe PPDPA Act Rules

Internally Generated Funds


Groceries and Provisions

3 Year(s)


20-Feb-2025 03:14 PM



Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe EMEA

Procurement of Groceries using Framework Agreements and subsequent Call-Off Contracts

Project Name:
Procurement of Groceries using Framework Agreements and subsequent Call-Off Contracts

Procurement of Groceries using Framework Agreements and subsequent Call-Off Contracts

Line Item Details
Item No. UNSPSC Lot Name Lot Description Quantity Unit of Measure
1 50121500 Fish Fish bream 1404 kg
2 50112004 Beef, processed without additions beef 4320 kg
3 50112010 Chicken, processed without additions Chicken 4620 kg
4 50112004 Beef, processed without additions Maguru 4320 kg
5 50112004 Beef, processed without additions Mazondo 2520 kg
6 50112004 Beef, processed without additions Matumbu 2160 kg
7 50112004 Beef, processed without additions Mincemeat 3000 kg
8 50112008 Pork, processed without additions Pork 3000 kg
9 11151510 Vegetable fibers Vegetables 4000 Bundle
10 50402300 Cabbages Cabbages 9000 Each
11 50406500 Tomatoes Tomatoes 1260 kg
12 50405300 Onions Onions 2376 kg
13 50405600 Peppers Pepper 3240 kg
14 50401824 Green beans Green beans 5400 kg
15 50402500 Carrots Carrots 5400 kg
16 50193104 Soup bases knorr soup 432 kg
17 50193104 Soup bases Tomato Puree 981 kg
18 50171551 Cooking or table salt Cooking oil 10000 Litre
19 52152013 Spice or salt or pepper shakers Bisto 200 Each
20 52152013 Spice or salt or pepper shakers Corn Flour 200 Each
21 50486400 Tomato purees Tomato sachets 200 Each
22 50171707 Vinegars Vinegar 300 Litre
23 50171700 Vinegars and cooking wines Mayonnaise 500 Litre
24 41113323 Sugar analyzers Sugar 10000 kg
25 50131700 Milk and butter products Fresh milk 9000 Litre
26 50201713 Tea bags Tea bags 576 kg
27 50221108 Rice grain Rice 10000 kg
28 73131900 Grains and sugar and oils and fat processing Mealie Meal 30000 kg
29 50401800 Beans Dried Beans 1800 kg
30 49121510 Drink coolers Mazoe 3000 Litre
31 50121900 Salt preserved seafoods Salt 1000 kg
32 50121500 Fish Matemba 2000 kg
33 24112210 Milk can Powdered milk 1500 kg
34 50202306 Soft drinks Soft drinks 300ml 1000 Each
35 50180000 Bread and bakery products Bread loaf 5000 Each
36 50202301 Water Mineral water 3000 Litre
37 27112721 Biscuit jointers Biscuits kg 2000 Each
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21-Feb-2025 08:00 AM

24-Mar-2025 10:00 AM

20-Feb-2025 05:04 PM





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