Tender Details




Single Lot

Request for Quotation Method


Zimbabwe PPDPA Act Rules

Internally Generated Funds


Veterinary Drugs, Vaccines and Chemicals

30 Day(s)


03-Mar-2025 04:08 PM


Corner Fife Street and Leopold Takawira Avenue

Bulawayo, Bulawayo , Zimbabwe EMEA

Supply and Delivery of Poultry and Animal Vaccines

Project Name:
Supply and Delivery of Poultry and Animal Vaccines

Supply and Delivery of Poultry and Animal Vaccines

Line Item Details
Item No. UNSPSC Lot Name Lot Description Quantity Unit of Measure
1 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Hitet 120 (100ml) 20 Each
2 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Hitet 200 5 Each
3 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Penicillin 20 Each
4 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Systamex 5l 2 Each
5 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Non disposable Syringes 10 Each
6 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Tick grease (5kg) 2 Each
7 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Needles 19G (PACKS) 2 Each
8 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Super dip 500ml 20 Each
9 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Exit 10 Each
10 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Wound powder 10 Each
11 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services After birth pills 20 Each
12 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Automatic springe 1 Each
13 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Jacto knapsack sprayer 1 Each
14 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Noromectin 20 Each
15 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Sentinel dip 20 Each
16 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Hitet 120 (100ml) 96 Each
17 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Penicillin (100ml) 60 Each
18 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Triatix/Tickbuster (5 litres) 72 Each
19 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Copper Sulphate (25kg) 4 Each
20 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Oxytetracycline 20% 60 Each
21 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Tick grease (5kg) 8 Each
22 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Eye Powder (25g) 40 Each
23 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Caustic Soda (25kg) 12 Each
24 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Wound Oil (200ml) 40 Each
25 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Mollases (25kg) 4 Each
26 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Vineger (750ml) 72 Each
27 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Intermectin (100ml) 60 Each
28 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Intertrim (100ml) 80 Each
29 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Cattle Tags 500 Each
30 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Goat Tags 500 Each
31 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Paracide (5 litres) 6 Each
32 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Pulpy Kidney Vaccine (100ml) 6 Each
33 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services MULTIVAX P (100ml) 10 Each
34 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Albex (5 litres) 12 Each
35 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Lumpy Skin Vaccine (100ml) 7 Each
36 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services QE Vaccine (100ml) 10 Each
37 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services QE & BOT Vaccine (100ml) 8 Each
38 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Vibrio Vaccine (100ml) 2 Each
39 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Bug stop (100g) 10 Each
40 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Rat kill (1kg) 12 Each
41 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Needles 16G 30 Each
42 73101702 Vaccines or sera or antibiotics production services Needles 18G 30 Each
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03-Mar-2025 06:00 PM

11-Mar-2025 10:00 AM

03-Mar-2025 04:29 PM

