Tender Details




Single Lot

Competitive Bidding Method

Non Consulting Services

Zimbabwe PPDPA Act Rules

Regular Agency Fund

Public Service Commission, Head Office

Printing Services

1 Year(s)


18-Jun-2024 04:10 PM


SSC Building, Cnr Sam Nujoma and Julius Nyerere

Harare, Harare, Zimbabwe EMEA

Supply and Delivery of Printing Services

Project Name:
Supply and Delivery of Printing Services

Supply and Delivery of Printing Services ( modules, bronchures, reports and business cards)

Line Item Details
Item No. UNSPSC Lot Name Lot Description Quantity Unit of Measure
1 82121500 Printing LOT 1. Printing of Public Service Orientation module (59 pages) 100 Each
2 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Monitoring and evaluation module (113 pages) 100 Each
3 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Economic Development Module ( 74 pages) 100 Each
4 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Local Economic Development Module ( 50 pages) 100 Each
5 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Leadership Skills Development module( 82 pages) 100 Each
6 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of management module (155 pages) 100 Each
7 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Administrative skills Development module (129 pages) 100 Each
8 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Finance for non finance managers (130 pages) 100 Each
9 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Corruption Detection and Prevention module (126 pages) 100 Each
10 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Project Management in the Public sector module ( 50 pages) 100 Each
11 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Gender and Sexual Harassment for the PS module (104 pages) 100 Each
12 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Dispute Resolution Mechanism in the Public Sector of Zimbabwe module (48 pages) 100 Each
13 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Chishona Module (115 pages) 100 Each
14 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Isindebele module (34 pages) 100 Each
15 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing Client Relationship management module (37 pages) 100 Each
16 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Executive Assistant Development module (66 pages) 100 Each
17 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Retirement Planning module (75 pages) 100 Each
18 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Health and wellness Module (42 pages) 100 Each
19 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing Disaster Risk management module (143 pages) 100 Each
20 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Human Capital Planning module ( 67 pages) 100 Each
21 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Tjikalanga module (66 pages) 100 Each
22 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Tshivenda module ( 89 pages) 100 Each
23 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Ndau Module (56 pages) 100 Each
24 82121500 Printing LOT 1 Printing of Chewa Module ( 120 pages) 100 Each
25 82121500 Printing LOT 1 SUMMARY , Printing Specifications( Layout, Design and Printing, Full color, A4 size( Potrait Orientation), Cover 250 GSM Gloss art laminated, Inside pages 100-130 GSM Gloss art and Perfect Binding 2400 Each
26 82121500 Printing LOT 2 Printing of Job Evaluation Report (80 Pages) 100 Each
27 82121500 Printing LOT 2 Printing of Tripartite Report ( 10 pages) 15 Each
28 82121500 Printing LOT 2 Printing of Job Grades Schedule report ( 80 pages) 100 Each
29 82121500 Printing LOT 2 Printing of Foreign Service Manual (21 pages) 120 Each
30 82121500 Printing LOT 2 Printing of Citizen Satisfaction Survey report( 145 pages) 200 Each
31 82121500 Printing LOT 2 SUMMARY, Specifications ( Layout, design and Printing Services, A4 Size, Full color, Pages printed on both sides, perfect binding, Cover- GSM 100-130 Gloss, front cover and back cover both printed) 535 Each
32 82121500 Printing LOT 3 Printing of Bi-fold Brochure for PSC Mandate 2500 Each
33 82121500 Printing LOT 3 Printing of Bi-fold Brochure for Eligibility for appointment 2500 Each
34 82121500 Printing LOT 3 Printing of Bi-fold Brochure for Registration procedure 2500 Each
35 82121500 Printing LOT 3 Printing of Bi-fold Brochure for Industrial attachment 2500 Each
36 82121500 Printing LOT 3 Printing of Tri-fold Brochures for Government Ministries and their mandates 2500 Each
37 82121500 Printing LOT 3 Printing of Singe sided Flier A5 (Steps to register online) 2500 Each
38 82121500 Printing LOT 3 Printing of A4 Flier -trifold printed on both sides, 180 GSM gloss paper 200 Each
39 82121500 Printing LOT 3 Printing of Business cards (300 gsm, matt paper) 450 Each
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21-Jun-2024 08:00 AM

18-Jul-2024 10:00 AM

18-Jul-2024 10:31 AM




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