Single Lot
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Work (Non Complex Works)
Zimbabwe PPDPA Act Rules
Internally Generated Funds
Petrozim Line (Pvt) Ltd Head Office, 6 Seagrave Road, Avondale
Installation, Repair & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, Generators, Power Back-Up Equipment & Miscellaneous Electrical Repair Works
30 Day(s)
19-Mar-2025 08:43 AM
Reprogramme the entrance gate remote system (gate remote system not functioning)
Project Name: Reprogramme the entrance gate remote system (gate remote system not functioning) |
Description: Reprogramme the entrance gate remote system (gate remote system not functioning) |
Item No. | UNSPSC | Lot Name | Lot Description | Quantity | Unit of Measure |
1 | 81101500 | Civil engineering | Reprogramme the entrance gate remote system (gate remote system not functioning) | 1 | Work |