Tenders Information

Tender Id Tender Reference Number Tender Title Required Supplier Category Code Required Supplier Category Name Procuring Entity Scope Publish Date Closing Date
20035 MCH-ICT-25 Supply and configure and commission Licence Renewel of ARISTA firewall ST002 ,SS002 Telecommunication, Internet-based and Related Systems Installations & Maintenance (including Website development, domain registration and hosting etc.),Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services MPILO CENTRAL HOSPITAL Open 28-Mar-2025 05:00 PM 29-Apr-2025 12:00 PM
20036 POZ/DOM/ICT/01/2025 Supply and delivery of ICT Equipment GC006 Computers, Printers, Photocopiers, Networking Equipment and Accessories PARLIAMENT OF ZIMBABWE Open 28-Mar-2025 05:10 PM 30-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20037 AFC/RFQ CC/13/2025 service of marz lowbed trucks SP004 ,SH001 Plant and Equipment Maintenance,Heavy Vehicle Maintenance AFC HOLDINGS Open 28-Mar-2025 04:56 PM 01-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20039 IMM FA 11/2025 SIGNAGE AND BRANDING OF OFFICES SS001 Signage and Branding Services MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Open 28-Mar-2025 08:00 PM 30-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20041 3664554 Anti - Hyjacking System SS002 Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services HARARE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Open 28-Mar-2025 08:58 PM 03-Apr-2025 03:00 PM
20042 MTC02/2025 ROAD REHABILITATION SP010 ,SC006 Property Development (Residential and Commercial) new,Construction and Civil Works (buildings, dams, roads etc.) (New) MVURWI TOWN COUNCIL Open 28-Mar-2025 04:20 PM 04-Apr-2025 10:30 AM
20043 IMM CT 05/2025 SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF UNIFORMS GB001 ,ST001 ,GU005 ,GP005 ,GO001 ,GC009 Bedding (Blankets, Sheets, etc..),Tailoring Services (Cut-Make & Trim) ,Uniform and Textile Materials,Protective Clothing,Ordinance Requirements ((badges, slip-ons, lanyards, name tags, embroidered items, and various accoutrements),Corporate Wear MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Open 28-Mar-2025 08:00 PM 30-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20046 TIMB/RFQ/28/2025 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF ZITF CORPORATE WEAR GC009 Corporate Wear TOBACCO INDUSTRY MARKETING BOARD Open 28-Mar-2025 04:30 PM 02-Apr-2025 12:00 PM
20048 CTC1361BRC012025 SUPPLY AND DELIVERING OF SEWER CLEANING MATERIALS GC003 ,GC022 ,GW001 Cleaning Chemicals,Industrial Chemicals,Water Treatment Chemicals CHIREDZI TOWN COUNCIL Open 28-Mar-2025 04:30 PM 02-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20049 REF/DOM/12/03/2025 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF MOTOR VEHICLE ACCESSORIES GM003 Motor Vehicle Spares, Pneumatic Tires, Tubes and Accessories RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AGENCY Open 28-Mar-2025 05:00 PM 01-May-2025 10:00 AM
20051 7261 PROCUREMENT OF GRADER HYDRAULIC HOSE SP004 ,GH003 ,GM003 Plant and Equipment Maintenance,Road Maintenance Equipment & Accessories,Motor Vehicle Spares, Pneumatic Tires, Tubes and Accessories MUNICIPALITY OF KARIBA Open 28-Mar-2025 04:25 PM 02-Apr-2025 12:00 PM
20054 IMM CT 04/2025 SUPPLY & DELIVERY OF FURNITURE & OFFICE EQUIPMENT GB001 ,SR001 ,SP004 ,SH003 ,GT003 ,GZ004 ,GT001 ,GF004 ,GE001 Bedding (Blankets, Sheets, etc..),Repair & Maintenance of Heavy Duty Catering Equipment ,Plant and Equipment Maintenance,Hire of Tents, Outdoor & Camping Equipment,Tanned Leather and Products,Home Appliances,Timber and Boards,Furniture, Office Equipment, Upholstery, Carpeting & Curtaining Products,Electrical Products: Cables and Materials, Power Back-Up Equipment, Transformers, Standby Generators, Consumables & Accessories MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS AND CULTURAL HERITAGE Open 28-Mar-2025 08:00 PM 30-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20056 TSCZ/PPE/2025 REQUEST FOR BANK TO CASHBOOK RECONCILIATION SOFTWARE SS002 Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services TRAFFIC SAFETY COUNCIL OF ZIMBABWE Open 28-Mar-2025 06:30 PM 10-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20057 CTC1412/PM/01/25 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF PLUMPING MATERIALS GP006 PVC, HDPE, LDPE, GRP Pipes and Fittings CHIREDZI TOWN COUNCIL Open 28-Mar-2025 04:30 PM 02-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20058 TIMB/RFQ/29/2025 OFF THE SHELF RISK MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE LICENSE SS002 Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services TOBACCO INDUSTRY MARKETING BOARD Open 28-Mar-2025 04:30 PM 04-Apr-2025 03:00 PM
20061 HTE/FRAM/23/25 Printing Services SP014 Painting Services MINISTRY OF HIGHER AND TERTIARY EDUCATION INNOVATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT Open 28-Mar-2025 07:00 PM 30-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20062 AFC/29/2025 Supply and delivery of First aid kit items GP004B ,GP004 Pharmaceuticals medical supplies and consumables excluding drugs,Pharmaceuticals (a) Medical Drugs, Supplies and Consumables AFC HOLDINGS Open 28-Mar-2025 06:00 PM 01-Apr-2025 10:00 AM
20067 MTCP0025 STRUCTURES AND BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION COMPONENTS AND SUPPLIES GT002 ,GC007 Tools and Hardware,Construction Materials (Aggregates, Road Marking Materials, Bitumen, Reinforcing Steel, Meshwire, Enzyme chemical road stabilizer etc..) MVURWI TOWN COUNCIL Open 28-Mar-2025 05:10 PM 04-Apr-2025 10:30 AM
20069 REF/DOM/08/03/2025 REF ASSET COVER INSUARANCE RENEWAL SI006 Insurance and Brokerage Services RURAL ELECTRIFICATION AGENCY Open 28-Mar-2025 05:31 PM 01-May-2025 10:00 AM

Page 41 of 42, showing 20 record(s) out of 832 total