Tenders Information
Tender Id | Tender Reference Number | Tender Title | Required Supplier Category Code | Required Supplier Category Name | Procuring Entity | Scope | Publish Date | Closing Date |
15442 | ACZ/LOCAL/EOI/02/2024 | Valuation of Assets For Airports Company of Zimbabwe | SP009 | Property Evaluation and Estate Agents Services | AIRPORTS COMPANY OF ZIMBABWE | Open | 17-Dec-2024 04:00 PM | 17-Jan-2025 12:00 AM |
15470 | OPEX 11/2024-12 | DESIGNING,PRINTING,SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF APWCS 14 CLAIM FORMS | SP006 | Printing Services | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY | Open | 17-Dec-2024 06:00 PM | 08-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15473 | 6583-5804 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF STATIONERY | SP006 ,GS006 ,GC006 | Printing Services,Stationery Products and Paper Raw Materials,Computers, Printers, Photocopiers, Networking Equipment and Accessories | NATIONAL RAILWAYS OF ZIMBABWE | Open | 17-Dec-2024 06:00 PM | 20-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15475 | OPEX 11/2024-11 | DESIGNING PRINTING SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF APWCS 13 MEDICAL REPORT BOOKS | SP006 | Printing Services | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY | Open | 17-Dec-2024 06:00 PM | 08-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15478 | OPEX 11/2024-13 | DESIGNING PRINTING SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF P4A REMITTANCE ADVICE BOOKS | SP006 | Printing Services | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY | Open | 17-Dec-2024 06:00 PM | 08-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15481 | OPEX 11/2024-14 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF A4 CERTIFICATE FRAMES | GS006 | Stationery Products and Paper Raw Materials | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY | Open | 17-Dec-2024 06:30 PM | 08-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15482 | ZPC/HO/ DOM 100/2024 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF 5 TON FORKLIFT AT HWANGE POWER STATION | GN005 | New Plant and Equipment | ZIMBABWE POWER COMPANY | Open | 18-Dec-2024 10:00 AM | 10-Jan-2025 05:00 PM |
15483 | OPEX 11/2024-15 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF DATE STAMPS | GS006 | Stationery Products and Paper Raw Materials | NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY | Open | 17-Dec-2024 06:30 PM | 08-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15504 | CAPH 40 | CORPORATE WEAR 2025 | GC009 | Corporate Wear | CHEMPLEX AGRO PHARMA | Open | 31-Dec-2024 10:00 AM | 10-Jan-2025 01:00 PM |
15514 | UZ/2024/SS3 | Supply and Delivery of Scania Buses | GN002 | New Heavy Motor Vehicles & Buses | UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE | Open | 18-Dec-2024 11:30 AM | 20-Jan-2025 12:00 PM |
15532 | ZPC/HO/DOM 112/2024 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF HP DOSING PUMPS AT HWANGE POWER STATION | GN005 | New Plant and Equipment | ZIMBABWE POWER COMPANY | Open | 19-Dec-2024 12:00 PM | 28-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15545 | ZH/ITB/33/2024 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF TENTS | GC001 | Canvas & Tarpaulins | ZESA HOLDINGS | Open | 24-Dec-2024 03:00 PM | 16-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15549 | UZ/2024/SS4 | Supply and Delivery of Mitsubishi Triton Motor Vehicles | GN003 | New Light Motor Vehicles | UNIVERSITY OF ZIMBABWE | Open | 18-Dec-2024 02:00 PM | 05-Feb-2025 12:00 PM |
15550 | MOK/EOI/01/2024 | PROVISION OF CADASTRAL TITLE SURVEY | SG001 ,SL002 | Geomatics (surveying and mapping).,Land Surveyors | MUNICIPALITY OF KARIBA | Open | 20-Dec-2024 12:00 PM | 24-Jan-2025 12:00 PM |
15566 | GMB/DOM/36/12/24 | SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT FOR PROVISION OF MICROSOFT 365 BUSINESS BASIC LICENSE | SS002 ,GC006 | Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services,Computers, Printers, Photocopiers, Networking Equipment and Accessories | GRAIN MARKETING BOARD | Open | 27-Dec-2024 04:15 PM | 21-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15571 | GMB/DOM/37/12/24 | PROVISION OF DATA CENTRE COOLING SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT | SS002 ,SC005 | Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services,Computers, Printers & Networking Installations and General Office Equipment Maintenance & Repair Services | GRAIN MARKETING BOARD | Open | 27-Dec-2024 04:00 PM | 21-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15580 | MMCZDT272024 | PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF STAFF ACCOMODATION AND OFFICE FOR MMCZ AT CHIMANIMANI RURAL BUSINESS CENTRE HOTSPRINGS | SC006 | Construction and Civil Works (buildings, dams, roads etc.) (New) | MINERALS MARKETING CORPORATION OF ZIMBABWE | Open | 21-Dec-2024 12:02 AM | 28-Jan-2025 06:00 PM |
15588 | PF037/2024 | Revaluation of Assets | SP009 | Property Evaluation and Estate Agents Services | PRINTFLOW | Open | 19-Dec-2024 01:00 PM | 15-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |
15594 | GRDC/NONCC3/24 | Plant and Heavy Vehicle Maintenance | SP004 ,SH001 | Plant and Equipment Maintenance,Heavy Vehicle Maintenance | GOROMONZI RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL | Open | 27-Dec-2024 08:00 AM | 14-Feb-2025 10:00 AM |
15602 | BINMUN DW 02/2024 | SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF VARIOUS PLIMBING MATERIALS | GT002 | Tools and Hardware | BINDURA MUNICIPALITY | Open | 20-Dec-2024 12:00 AM | 24-Jan-2025 10:00 AM |