Bulletin Board

Tender Id Tender Reference Number Tender Title Required Supplier Category Code Required Supplier Category Name Procuring Entity Publish Date Closing Date Status Action
17697 PREQ00006864 Carry out 120000km service and fitment of existing tyres on Toyota Hilux D/CAB AFR8494. SL005 ,GM003 Light Motor Vehicle Maintenance,Motor Vehicle Spares, Pneumatic Tires, Tubes and Accessories PETROZIM LINE 07-Mar-2025 01:00 PM 10-Mar-2025 12:00 PM Failed
17701 MTCP0019 OFFICE FURNITURE GF004 Furniture, Office Equipment, Upholstery, Carpeting & Curtaining Products MVURWI TOWN COUNCIL 10-Mar-2025 08:00 AM 10-Mar-2025 01:00 PM Closed View Summary Report
17709 MCH/FWK/MK/01/25 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF KITCHEN PROVISIONS GB003 ,GV002 ,GG003 Butchery (beef, pork, fish, poultry products etc.),Vegetables and Fruits (Fresh Farm produce),Groceries and Provisions MPILO CENTRAL HOSPITAL 07-Mar-2025 01:10 PM 04-Apr-2025 10:30 AM Failed
17713 PREQ00006961 Xerox B7035 Cartridge GP003 ,GC006 ,SC005 Printing Spares, Sundries (Oils, Gases, Grease & Chemicals),Computers, Printers, Photocopiers, Networking Equipment and Accessories,Computers, Printers & Networking Installations and General Office Equipment Maintenance & Repair Services PETROZIM LINE 07-Mar-2025 01:15 PM 07-Mar-2025 03:00 PM Closed View Summary Report
17718 MRDC/DR04/25 PROJECTS COMMISSIONING-TENT, CHAIRS AND MOBILE TOILETS HIRE SH003 Hire of Tents, Outdoor & Camping Equipment MANYAME RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL 07-Mar-2025 03:31 PM 10-Mar-2025 10:00 AM Failed
17721 IPEC/EOI/01/2025 Electronic Supervisory System SA005 Actuarial Consultancy Services INSURANCE AND PENSIONS COMMISSION 07-Mar-2025 04:00 PM 09-May-2025 04:00 PM Failed
17736 SRDC/FUEL/MGT03/25 SUPPLY AND ELIVERY OF MANAGEMENT FUEL (3RD MONTH 2025) GF003 Fuels & Lubricants SANYATI RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL 07-Mar-2025 03:30 PM 10-Mar-2025 03:20 PM Closed
17748 FOH/022 Bedding and linen GB001 Bedding (Blankets, Sheets, etc..) FATHER OHEA HOSPITAL 10-Mar-2025 03:27 PM 11-Mar-2025 12:00 AM Closed
17759 PREQ00006959 Supply and delivery of cleaning chemicals CE001 ,GC003 Cleaning , Laundry Equipment and consumables,Cleaning Chemicals PETROZIM LINE 07-Mar-2025 05:00 PM 11-Mar-2025 12:00 AM Closed
17766 PREQ00006960 Supply and delivery of cleaning materials CE001 ,GC003 Cleaning , Laundry Equipment and consumables,Cleaning Chemicals PETROZIM LINE 07-Mar-2025 05:00 PM 11-Mar-2025 12:00 AM Closed
17772 FOH/007 Toiletries GC003 Cleaning Chemicals FATHER OHEA HOSPITAL 10-Mar-2025 04:16 PM 11-Mar-2025 12:00 AM Closed
17774 PREQ00006967 Supply and delivery of industrial cleaning materials CE001 ,GP005 Cleaning , Laundry Equipment and consumables,Protective Clothing PETROZIM LINE 07-Mar-2025 05:00 PM 12-Mar-2025 12:00 AM Closed
17776 GMB/INT/02/03/25 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF SILO INVENTORY MAINTENANCE SC011 ,SP004 ,GF003B ,GW002 ,GT002 ,GP002 ,GG001 ,GE001 Calibration of equipment (measuring, mechanical, electrical, laboratory, aviation etc.),Plant and Equipment Maintenance,Lubricants Only,Weighbridges, Scales and Accessories,Tools and Hardware,Paints and Accessories,Gas (Industrial and Domestic),Electrical Products: Cables and Materials, Power Back-Up Equipment, Transformers, Standby Generators, Consumables & Accessories GRAIN MARKETING BOARD 07-Mar-2025 07:00 PM 11-Mar-2025 10:00 AM Closed View Summary Report
17783 MCH/ICT/01/25 SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF DESKTOPS, LAPTOPS AND CONSUMABLES GC006 Computers, Printers, Photocopiers, Networking Equipment and Accessories MPILO CENTRAL HOSPITAL 07-Mar-2025 05:20 PM 04-Apr-2025 10:30 AM Failed
17794 SECZ/ICT/01/2025 Supply of computer software licensing services SS002 Software Development and Computer Applications, Computer Security Systems Installation and Consultants Services SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OF ZIMBABWE 08-Mar-2025 10:00 AM 04-Apr-2025 10:30 AM Failed
17799 20121 Supply, Bending and Installation of Reinforcement Steel GC007 Construction Materials (Aggregates, Road Marking Materials, Bitumen, Reinforcing Steel, Meshwire, Enzyme chemical road stabilizer etc..) HARARE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 08-Mar-2025 01:02 PM 10-Mar-2025 12:00 PM Closed View Summary Report
17804 HPS RFQ 20158504 CAT MACHINE ACCESSORIES H111/ H117/ H105 GN005 New Plant and Equipment ZIMBABWE POWER COMPANY 08-Mar-2025 05:00 PM 11-Mar-2025 11:10 AM Closed
17816 GKNDH010 computer equipment and accessories GC006 Computers, Printers, Photocopiers, Networking Equipment and Accessories GOKWE NORTH HOSPITAL 09-Mar-2025 03:31 PM 12-Mar-2025 12:00 AM Closed
17838 NCB 03 OF 2025 DESIGN FOR ZITF SATND 2025 GC009 Corporate Wear ZIMBABWE REVENUE AUTHOURITY 10-Mar-2025 12:30 PM 28-Mar-2025 02:00 PM Failed
17842 ZIDA/RFQ19/2025 Formal Clothing GP005 Protective Clothing ZIMBABWE INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMEMT AGENCY 10-Mar-2025 11:25 AM 12-Mar-2025 10:00 AM Failed

Page 723 of 724, showing 20 record(s) out of 14,479 total